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Rector of DSMU Suleiman Mammayev made a report at the rectors ‘ forum on Russian-Chinese international medical education in China.



  On January 17, 2019, rector of Dagestan State Medical University Suleiman Mamayev made a scientific report at the rectors ‘ forum on Russian-Chinese international medical education in Guangzhou (Republic of China).

Topic: “Pharmacogenetic biomarkers of efficacy and safety of medicines: ethnic characteristics of the peoples of Dagestan”. The event was held in the framework of the meeting of the Permanent Council of the Russian-Chinese Association of medical universities, which takes place from 15 to 20 January in Guangzhou (China).

In his report, Mammaev S. brought basic information about the Republic of Dagestan, population, ethnic composition, and outlined the need for and relevance of the research. He outlined the rector of DSMU and the objectives of the study: to assess the prevalence of polymorphism of genes encoding cytochrome P450 isoenzymes (CYP2C9, CYP2C19, CYP2D6) and transporters (ABCB1 and SLCO1B1) of drugs among ethnic groups in Dagestan  (Avars, Dargins, laks); to compare with the most numerous ethnic group of Russians (according to the literature). There were also announced the stages of the study: the allocation of genomic DNA from whole blood leukocytes; real-time PCR; analysis and interpretation.

He reported that 186 healthy volunteers – 3 ethnic groups (90 Avars, 50 Dargins and 46 lax) were studied, genotyping, statistical processing and analysis of the results were carried out.

“The results of the study clearly illustrate the genetic heterogeneity of populations of different ethnic groups in the Russian Federation and the importance of studying the carrier of clinically significant polymorphic markers among them. In the future-the creation of a single database of prevalence of clinically significant polymorphisms of genes of the system of biotransformation of drugs and transporters among ethnic groups of Russia — “Pharmacogenetic map of Russia”, — concluded rector Suleiman Mamayev.

The participants of the study are: head of the Department of clinical pharmacology and therapy of the Russian medical Academy of continuing medical education, corresponding member of RAS Dmitry Sychev; head of the Department of hospital therapy №1, rector of DSMU Suleiman Mamaev; head of the Department of personalized medicine research Institute of Molecular medicine and personalized Karin Mirzaev; assistant of the Department of hospital therapy №1 DSMU Elvira Kasaeva, doctor-therapist of Laksky Central hospital. According to the study an article published  in the journal genetic testing and molecular biomarkers volume 21, number 12, 2017.