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Regular meeting of the Academic Council of DSMU




The next meeting of the Academic Council of Dagestan State Medical University was held on January 26 in the administrative building of DSMU. The meeting was opened and led by the chairman of the Council, the acting rector of DSMU VisampashaKhanaliev. He announced the agenda, which included 4 issues: competitive affairs; on the implementation of basic educational programs in the Federal State Educational Standard 3++ (by specialty: 31.05.01 “Medical care” and 31.05.02 “Pediatrics”); about the state and prospects of development of the Institute of Additional Professional Education.

Before the discussion of the agenda, distinguished employees and students were awarded with well-deserved awards. Secretary of the competition commission Svetlana Mineevainformed the members of the council about the candidates elected to the various positions at the University and submitted for academic titles.

On the implementation of basic educational programs in the Federal State Educational Standard 3++ (by specialty: 31.05.01 “Medical business” and 31.05.02 “Pediatrics”) was reported by Acting Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs RazinRagimov. The report “On the state and prospects of development of the Institute of Additional Professional Education” was made by the director of theIAPE of DSMU RafikButaev. Additional information was announced bythe university management and heads of structural divisions.