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Regular meeting of the Academic Council of DSMU



   The next meeting of the Academic Council of Dagestan State Medical University was held on November 23 in the building of the administrative building of the university. The meeting was opened and led by the chairman of the Council – Acting Rector of Dagestan State Medical University Visampasha Khanaliev.

   Before the meeting, a minute of silence was observed in memory of the employees who passed away over the past month.

  Then the ceremony of awarding the university staff with awards dedicated to the 90th anniversary of   DSMU took place.

  After the meeting, the participants moved on to discuss the agenda, which included 4 issues: competitive affairs; on admission to secondary vocational education programs; on the main priorities of the work of the Security Department for the period of the current academic year; miscellaneous.

   Secretary of the Competition Commission Svetlana Mineeva acquainted the members of the Academic Council with information about candidates elected to various positions and submitted for titles.

The director of the Medical College of DSMU Magomed Magomaev told about admission to secondary vocational education programs.

The report “On the main priorities of the work of the Security Department for the period of the current academic year” was made by the head of the Security Department Abdumazhid Ibragimov.

 There was information from the university management, heads of structural divisions in the section “Miscellaneous”.