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Regular meeting of the Academic Council of DSMU



The next meeting of the Academic Council of Dagestan State Medical University was held on December 28 in the building of the Scientific and Educational Innovation Center of Dagestan  State Medical University . The meeting was opened and led by the chairman of the Council – the acting rector of DSMU Visampasha Khanaliev. Before the meeting, according to tradition, well-deserved awards were presented to distinguished employees of the university.

There were 3 issues on the agenda of the meeting: competitive affairs; the main vectors of development of Dagestan State Medical University; miscellaneous.

Svetlana Mineeva, Secretary of the competition commission, informed the members of the council about the candidates elected to various positions at the university and submitted for academic titles.

The main vectors of development of Dagestan State Medical University were outlined by V. Khanaliev in his speech. In his report, he provided data on the financial condition of the university, the average salary of employees, told about plans to improve the quality of education, the development of the educational and medical center of DSMU and much more.

In the section “Miscellaneous” there was information from the university management, heads of structural divisions. In order to bring the level of organization of legal work in line with the tasks facing the university, the acting rector was proposed to create a structural unit in the structure of the university – the Department of Legal Support and State Order. The proposal was supported by the members of the Academic Council. V. Khanaliev also announced that there are plans to create a separate structure, under the leadership of the corresponding vice-rector, which will deal with the digitalization of the university.

After the meeting, a festive buffet dedicated to the upcoming  new year was organized for everyone.