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Regular meeting of the Academic Council of DSMU
The regular meeting of the Academic Council of the Dagestan State Medical University was held on March 31 in the Assembly Hall of the University’s Scientific and Educational Innovation Center. The meeting was opened and chaired by the chairman of the council – rector of the DSMU Suleiman Mammaev. The head of the “Sober Russia” Federal Project, a member of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation, Sultan Khamzaev, took part in it.
Before the beginning of the meeting, S. Mammaev once again reminded all present of the importance of vaccination against a new coronavirus infection, urged everyone who does not have contraindications to undergo this procedure in order to protect themselves and their loved ones. It was noted that in order to return to the usual lifestyle, collective immunity must be formed, which is impossible without mass vaccination. “I will once again say that Russian vaccines are safe and have high effectiveness, have practically no side effects, give a good immune response,” said the rector. He also noted that many employees and students of the university have already been vaccinated against COVID-19 and feel good. The head of the sector of the youth media center of the office for work with students Dina Balgishieva spoke about the ongoing work on vaccination of employees and students. Chairman of the Committee on Health and Social Policy of the National Assembly of the RD Visampasha Khanaliyev also said about the importance of vaccination.
On the meeting’s agenda were 5 issues: competitive affairs, the results of financial and economic activities for 2019-2020 years; the results of the winter examination session; preparation for the transition to FSES 3 + + in the specialty “Dentistry”; any other business.
Svetlana Mineeva, secretary of the competition commission, presented information about candidates elected to various positions at the university and submitted to academic ranks.
The report “Results of financial and economic activities for 2019-2020” was made by the vice-rector for economics and administrative and economic work Siyadat Idrisova. She spoke in detail about the structure of income and expenses of the university, the salary of employees, the work carried out. S. Idrisova presented to the members of the council and invited a small film on the modernization of the university property complex, which reflected the most important and significant work to create conditions for the comfortable realization of educational and scientific potential, leisure of students and employees, the formation of a healthy environment, etc.
The results of the mid-term exams were announced by the head of the educational department Elmira Akhmedova. She stopped at each faculty and course, outlined the overall performance for each course separately, spoke about the results of the examinations.
The dean of the dental faculty Tagir Abakarov spoke about preparations for the transition to FSES 3 + + with a degree in dentistry. In his speech, all the stages necessary for the transition to a new federal state educational standard were detailed, the circle of people who will provide it was determined. Aminat Karimova, head of the department of educational and methodological work, Statistics and Quality Control of Education, made a co-report on this issue.
In the section “Any other business ” was given information from the university leadership, heads of structural units.
DSMU Press Service