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Republican Scientific and practical conference “Medical Ethics and Deontology. Psychology of professional communication”
The psychologists across the country celebrate a professional holiday on November 22. This day in 1994 that the founding congress of the Russian Psychological Society was organized – the largest and most memorable for the Russian scientific organization of Psychologists. A scientific and practical conference “Medical ethics and deontology” was timed to coincide with this date at Dagestan State Medical University. Psychology of professional communication”, which was held on 11/22/2021 at the Scientific and Educational Innovation Center of DSMU. It was held in a mixed offline-online mode. The event was organized by the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology and the Scientific Library of DSMU.
Naida Mollayeva, Acting Vice–Rector for Scientific Work, welcomed the participants and guests of the conference on behalf of the Acting Rector of DSMU Razin Ragimov and the entire leadership of the university. She congratulated everyone involved in this specialty on a professional holiday. “The issues of ethics and deontology are very relevant today, as modern trends in the development of medical technologies, the possibilities of their application in practical medicine create different positions in terms of aesthetics, ethics and legal aspects.
To date, it is medical deontology that has been most fully developed in science, which includes issues of compliance with medical secrecy, measures of responsibility for the life and health of patients, problems of relationships in the medical community, problems of relationships with patients and their relatives, etc.
all medical technologies today are considered from the point of view of psychology, philosophy, law, morality,” Naida Mollayeva noted in her speech. Then the acting Vice-rector of DSMU for Public Relations and Social and educational Work Elmira Abieva addressed the audience. She congratulated all psychologists of the country on their professional holiday. “Our Department of Pedagogy and Psychology is holding a conference on medical ethics and deontology for the fifth time. We can rightfully consider Professor Ibrahim Shamov to be the founder of medical ethics and deontology in Dagestan. He has written many books on this topic,” Elmira Abieva stressed in her speech.
On behalf of the Minister of Health Tatyana Belyaeva, the First Deputy Minister of Health of the Republic of Dagestan Javgarat Isayeva welcomed the participants of the conference. She also called the topic of this conference very relevant. “The emergence of ethics practically coincides with the date of birth of medicine itself. For a medical worker, the ability to communicate, to master the technique of communication is extremely important. Moral qualities are even more important for a medic,” Isaeva said in her speech.
The plenary part of the conference was started by Elmira Abieva, who made a report “The moral and psychological climate in the medical team: a contemporary view”. Then a number of interesting reports were presented: “Socio-pedagogical competence is an indicator of a doctor’s ethics”; speaker – Head of the Department of General and Social Pedagogy of DSU Bika Aliyeva; “Knowledge as a moral value” – Head of the Department of Philosophy and History of DSMU Telman Kafarov; “Behavior of a student – future doctor at the bedside” – Head of the Department of Propaedeutics of Internal Diseases of DSMU Dair Shikhnebiev; “Professional and pedagogical communication as an important resource for training specialists at the university” – Associate Professor of the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology Kurban Khadzhialiev; “Psychosomatics and COVID-19, who is the first?” – assistant of the Department of Propaedeutics of Internal Diseases of Dagestan State Medical University M. Aliskandieva.
The conference was held in a warm, friendly atmosphere and implemented the planned program.
DSMU Press Service