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Research-to-Practice Conference dedicated to the World Tuberculosis Day was held at DSMU




A Research-to-Practice conference dedicated to the World Tuberculosis Day was held at Dagestan State Medical University on March 24. The event was attended by: Chairman of the Committee on Health and Social Policy of the National Assembly of the RD, Head of the Department of Physiopulmonology of the DSMU Visampasha Hanaliyev; Deputy Minister of Health of the RD Raisa Shakhsinova; Vice-Rector for Science of DSMU Naida Mollaeva; the main doctors of the district hospitals of the republic, physicists.

Naida Mollaeva greeted the audience on behalf of the rector of the DGMU Suleiman Mammaev. She told about the history of the establishment of this date. “World Tuberculosis Day is celebrated by decision of the World Health Organization (WHO) annually on March 24 – the day when in 1882 the German microbiologist Robert Koch announced his discovery of the causative agent of tuberculosis. In 1905, the scientist received the Nobel Prize in medicine, “said Mollaeva. She further noted that tuberculosis remained the leading cause of mortality from infectious diseases in the world.

The development of tuberculosis is facilitated by poor nutrition, the consumption of toxic products (tobacco, alcohol, drugs), poor working and living conditions, and some chronic diseases.

Mollaeva also emphasized that thanks to the anti-tuberculosis work carried out in Russia in recent years, it has been possible to reduce the increase in the incidence and mortality of the population from tuberculosis. Nevertheless, they continue to remain at a high level, there is an increase in the spread of multidrug-resistant tuberculosis and tuberculosis, combined with HIV infection. Therefore, work in this direction is ongoing.

Then Raisa Shakhsinova delivered a welcoming speech. “The theme of today’s conference is relevant for health care not only of our republic and country, but of the whole world. If we compare our health records with Russian ones, it is noticeable that they are lower, but there is a positive dynamics. We can only be concerned about the fact that during 2020 we were not able to fully carry out all the necessary preventive measures for certain reasons. Of course, the task of 2021 is to restore the volumes of preventive measures that we plan and ensure the early detection of tuberculosis, “said Shakhsinova.

She also reported that the rates of childhood illness increased, as there was no timely detection, there were no preventive measures due to coronavirus.

Vissampasha Khanaliyev sent whole-hearted greetings to the Presidium and all participants of the conference on behalf of the Chairman of the RD National Assembly  Khizri Shikhsaidov, from the Committee on Health and Social Policy. “These days, conferences are held around the world to mark World Tuberculosis Day. Every year, about 10 billion cases of this disease are recorded worldwide and about 3 million people die. There are also disappointing statistics in Russia: about 3 million people get sick every year and 25 or more thousand people die, “said Khanaliev.

He thanked colleagues for the work that they carry out daily and assured that joint efforts will solve the tasks set. He thanked the organizers of the event for the opportunity to gather and discuss together the topical topic of the day; wished everyone health and fruitful work of the whole conference.

The plenary part of the conference began with a report by Wissampasha Khanaliyev “The current state of the problem of tuberculosis.” In the report, he discussed in detail the problem of tuberculosis in the republic, spoke about municipalities with the highest rates of tuberculosis in 2020.

Further, a number of relevant reports were presented to the participants: “The results of the activities of the anti-tuberculosis service of the RD in 2020 and the tasks for 2021” was presented by the acting chief physician of the Republican anti-tuberculosis dispensary Abdurahman Abdurakhmanov; “Pleuritis of Tuberculosis Etiology” – Associate Professor of Physiopulmonology, DSMU Magomed Mutalimov; “Work in the epidemiological foci of tuberculosis” – Deputy Chief Physician of the RTBD Patimat Tagirova; “Surgical care for patients with tuberculosis in the RD” – the chief doctor of the Buinaksk anti-tuberculosis dispensary Magomed Akhberdilov.

During the conference, current problems in the diagnosis and treatment of the disease and ways to solve them were discussed.

DSMU Press Service