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Science and practice in defence of health. Doctors as defenders of the Fatherland



On 28 February 2024, the event “Science and Practice in defence of health. Doctors as defenders of the Fatherland”. The event began on the territory of the State Budgetary Institution of the Russian Federation “Republican Clinical Hospital named after A.V. Vishnevsky” with laying flowers at the monument of Rashid Pashayevich Askerkhanov, a famous scientist-surgeon, whose name is borne by the Student Scientific Society (SSS) of DSMU, which was attended by representatives of the university.

The second part of the event was held within the walls of the Scientific and Educational Innovation Centre of DSMU. It was opened by Rector Visampasha Khanaliev, who emphasised the importance and significance of scientists-doctors, medics, who play a huge role in extreme, difficult situations, saving people’s lives. It is necessary to remember our teachers and honour their memory. The second part was attended by activists of Physioland SNC and the Culture Centre, guests – professor, urologist, head of the clinic Akhmed Azizov, doctor, head of the centre of adaptive physical training and medical rehabilitation Zaurbek Akhmedov, manager and co-manager of the centre of “Dorsum”, member of the Association “Business Women 05” Aishat Daudova, head of the department of medical biology Prof. Abdulazizov, head of the centre of medical biology Prof. Aishat Daudova. Professor Abdurakhman Magomedov, Head of the Department of Medical Biology, staff of the Department of Normal Physiology headed by the Head, representatives of the Library and Culture Centre of DSMU.

The first speaker was Kurbanov Abdulla – 2nd year student of the Dental Faculty, activist of Physioland circle telling a story about the Hero of his time, outstanding doctor – surgeon Rashid Pashayevich Askerkhanov. Then Zaiginat Buchayeva, an activist of the Cultural Centre of DSMU, made a speech with a touching poem “Ballad of a Nurse”. Sharabutin Shakhmardanov (doctor who worked in the red zone during the pandemic period: State Budgetary Institution Republican Hospital for Restorative Treatment (RBHRT), doctor of physical therapy, specialist in rehabilitation of the upper limb) and Zaurbek Akhmedov doctor of sports medicine, medical rehabilitation specialist spoke next. They were followed by Salihat Dibrayeva, a 4th year student of the Faculty of Medicine, an activist of Physioland circle, with a report on “Craft of salvation”. Then there was a master class with demonstration of first aid from the regional coordinator of medical volunteers in the direction of “First Aid”, captain of the rescue squad “ResQ” Ramazan Magomedov.

In conclusion, patriotic songs were performed by Abdulla Fataliev, an employee of the Cultural Centre of DSMU, People’s Hero of Caucasus, participant of combat operations in Afghanistan and Czechoslovakia, and Daniyal Shabanov, an activist of the Cultural Centre.