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Scientific and practical conference “Topical issues of management of comorbid patients” dedicated to the 90th anniversary of Prof. A.Sh. Khasaev



 A scientific and practical conference “Topical issues of management of comorbid patients” dedicated to the 90th anniversary of Professor A.Sh. Khasaev was held in the assembly hall of Republican Clinic Hospital named after A.V. Vishnevsky.

The conference was attended by Acting Rector of DSMU Visampasha Khanaliev, Professor of the Department of Hospital Therapy No. 1 Suleiman Mammaev, Deputy chief physician of  RCH  named after A.V. Vishnevsky   Sebebula Abdullayev, staff and teachers of DSMU. Internists, general practitioners, cardiologists, rheumatologists, pulmonologists, hematologists, residents and graduate students of DSMU were invited to participate in the conference.

The acting rector of DSMU Visampasha Khanaliev addressed the audience with a welcoming speech. “Dear colleagues! I am glad to welcome everyone at the scientific and practical conference “Topical issues of comorbid patients management” dedicated to the 90th anniversary of Professor Akhmed Sheikhmagomedovich Khasaev, who devoted his whole life to training young doctors. The name of  Dr. A.Sh. Khasayev is widely known not only in our republic.

This year also marks the 90th anniversary of our university, which is one of the leading universities of the Russian Federation. A.Sh. Khasaev and many other of our teachers have created scientific schools, thanks to which our university has become famous. For 90 years, the university has been preserving the glorious traditions of its scientific schools and their founders, including Ahmed Khasaev. A.Sh.Khasaev has produced hundreds of researchers and clinicians who work throughout the country and abroad. Professor Khasaev is one of a whole galaxy of teachers whose traditions we cherish, whose example is for us an indicator of how to work. It is on the example of such selfless service to people that we should educate our young doctors,” Visampasha Khanaliyev said in his speech.

Sebebula  Abdullayev stressed to himself in his speech that it is possible to list the merits of Ahmed Gasayev endlessly. “I was lucky enough to be his disciple. He was always at the highest point in his reasoning, always took an active part in the discussion of all severe clinical cases in intensive care units, in consultations. Today’s healthcare is different from the school that was created by our teachers. Today, the emphasis is on computer diagnostics, and then the main role was played by clinical thinking, which was perfectly mastered by Ahmed Khasayev. It was worth a lot,” Sebebula Abdullayev said.

There were many warm words in the memories of friends and colleagues of Ahmed Sheikhovich.

Further, the report “Professor A.S. Khasaev: scientist, clinician, mentor” was delivered by Professor of the Department of Hospital Therapy No. 1 Suleiman Mammaev. He presented the biography of the scientist in detail to the audience, told about his interesting, serious scientific activity.

“The name of Dr. A.Sh. Khasaev is widely known not only in our republic. He started his medical work as a doctor in a rural outpatient clinic and went a long way to become a consulting professor at the Republican Clinical Hospital, Dagestan Center for Cardiology and Cardiovascular Surgery.

For many years, Ahmed Sheikhmagomedovich was the chief freelance cardiologist of the Ministry of Health of Dagestan, chairman of the problem commission on cardiology at  DSMU. He is one of the developers and executors of the republican program “On urgent measures to reduce the morbidity and mortality of the population from diseases of the circulatory system”. The results of its implementation led to a more than 30% reduction in mortality from major cardiovascular diseases. This work has received special public recognition and A.Sh. Khasaev was awarded the title of “Honorary Cardiologist of Russia” at the National Congress of Cardiologists of Russia in 2015.

Professor A.Sh. Khasaev was distinguished by great efficiency, breadth of medical horizons, a huge stock of knowledge and skills, the desire to introduce new methods of diagnosis and treatment. But his high moral qualities should be especially noted. Ahmed Sheikhmagomedovich was always ready to help the patient, regardless of personal time and difficulties, never refused any patient. His benevolence, participation, tolerance are known to all colleagues. He was respected by colleagues, students and numerous patients,” Suleiman Mammayev said in his speech.

Then the plenary part of the conference began, where a number of interesting reports were presented: “Pulmonary embolism – general clinical aspects of the problem” – Head of the Department of Polyclinic Therapy, Cardiology and General Medical Practice of  the Faculty of Advanced Training Aligaji Abdullayev; “Clinical and electrocardiographic signs in life-threatening conditions” – Associate professor of the Department of Hospital Therapy No.1 Sazhid Zagliev; “Comorbidity of arterial hypertension and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Diagnostic issues and therapy possibilities” – Professor of the Department of Hospital Therapy No. 1 Suleiman Mammayev; “Anemia in chronic heart failure. Modern clinical recommendations” – Associate Professor of the Department D. Alieva; “The place of statins in the prevention of cardiovascular diseases in patients with rheumatoid arthritis” – postgraduate student of the Department of Hospital Therapy No. 1. P. Idrisova.