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Semifinal of the All-Russian Student Olympiad in Physiology with international participation “Human Matrix”



Dagestan State Medical University hosted the semi-final of the All-Russian Student Olympiad in Physiology with international participation “Human matrix”, dedicated to Cosmonautics Day and the 90th anniversary of Dagestan State Medical University. 24 teams from medical universities took part in the Olympiad. The organizers of the Olympiad were: the Department of Normal Physiology of Dagestan State Medical University, the Student Scientific Circle of the Department of Normal Physiology “Physioland”, the Scientific and Educational Center “Center for Advanced Development of Medicine and Technological Disciplines” and the Institute of Electronic Medical Education.

The Olympiad was opened with a welcoming speech by Acting Rector of Dagestan State Medical University V.Y. Khanaliev. “Knowledge of physiology is the foundation for the future professional activity of a doctor, and therefore such events contribute, among other things, to improving the quality of training of specialists. I am sure that holding this Olympiad will expand ties between students of different universities, increase their knowledge of physiology. I wish you all good luck and may the strongest win!”, – said Visampasha Khanaliev. Further, Denis Ashirov, Director of the Department of State Youth Policy of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation Viktor Smirnov, Honorary Professor  RNRMU named after Pirogov and the Head of the Department of Normal Physiology of   I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University, greeted the participants in the online connection mode and also congratulated and wished fruitful work and success to the organizers of the Olympiad.

The jury members, in addition to assistants, Associate Professors and Professors of DSMU also included heads of departments and professors of medical universities and institutes from various cities, regions, republics of our vast Homeland, Republics: Moscow, Stavropol, Voronezh, Chechen Republic, Grodno (Belarus), Andijan (Uzbekistan), Kazan (Tatarstan).

The contests of the Olympiad included difficult tasks in physiology that required theoretical knowledge and practical skills to solve. To get the maximum score, the participants had to be tested on computers. The Brain-ring contest required each team to give a full detailed answer to a question within 10-15 seconds. Of particular interest was the contest “Physiografiti”, in which participants were asked to analyze graphs and diagrams on physiology within 3 minutes.

According to the results of the semifinals , 16 teams qualified for the final of the Olympiad:

Students of Dagestan  State Medical University – team “SuperNova”

Students of Stavropol  State Medical University – team “Hitchhiking on Ranvier”

Students of Voronezh State Medical University named after N.M. Burdenko – team “Von Willebrand Gang”

Students of Lugansk State Medical University named after St. Luke – team “Tetanius”

Students of Dagestan State Medical University – team “Dominanta”

Students of the Chechen State University named after A.A. Kadyrov – the “Hemocard” team

Students of the Grodno State Medical University – the “Gas Transmitters” team Students of the Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia – the “Victory Potential” team

Orenburg State Medical University students – Saturnacia team

Students of the Northeastern Federal University named after M.K. Amosov – the Drive team

Students of Mari State University – team “Dominant 2”

Students of the Medical Institute of Penza State University – team “PSU physiology”

Students of the Medical Institute of Tula State University – team “Tula MEDvedi”

Students of Astrakhan State Medical University – team “Pacemaker”

Students of Andijan State Medical  Institute– «MedSpace» team

Students of Samara State Medical University – the « Black Impulse» team