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Sergey Melikov held EOS meeting on the situation with coronavirus



Acting Head of the Republic of Dagestan Sergey Melikov on Tuesday, May 18, held a regular EOS meeting for Countering the spread of a new coronavirus infection in the Republic of Dagestan. The meeting was also attended by the Acting Rector of Dagestan State Medical University Suleiman Mammayev.

First of all, the head of the region said that issues related to the coronavirus still remain in the zone of close attention of the country’s leadership.

“Exactly a year ago, Dagestan reached the peak of coronavirus morbidity, which, unfortunately, led, among other things, to tragic consequences in many families of our fellow countrymen. This year, the May holidays were quite calm. The days that have passed since the holidays show that we have made the right balance of forces both during the preparatory events and during the celebrations themselves. For this, special thanks to our colleagues, representatives of the Muftiate, who throughout the entire time quite reasonably made decisions, including on attracting people to large-scale actions, ” the head of the republic said. At the same time, it was noted that there were also certain violations.

Sergey Melikov expressed the opinion that this year should be a turning point in the fight against infection. “Thanks to vaccination, we can achieve this victory. But, unfortunately, vaccination today is not rapid and the indicators among other regions of the North Caucasus Federal District and against the background of the regions of the country are very modest. Here, too, we must understand the responsibility to the leadership of our country, and most importantly-to the people, because we must ensure that the population is vaccinated. Today, this is the only way to stop the large-scale transmission of infection from one to another, ” said the Acting Head of the RD.

As of May 17, more than 101 thousand doses of the vaccine were delivered to the republic, more than 78 thousand people were vaccinated, and almost 23 thousand doses remained in stock. In this regard, Melikov recalled that the decisions of the Headquarters of the Ministry of Health repeatedly instructed to effectively distribute the vaccination material, based on the order of vaccination. At the same time, there is a lack of vaccine in some areas and the presence of “long stocks” in others. Sergey Melikov instructed to analyze this issue. Continuing, the head of the region said that the average daily number of laboratory-confirmed cases of infection remained at the level of 42 people per day. The head of the region called the current situation with COVID-19 quite prosperous. There is no increase, but the testing campaign should continue, as the situation may deteriorate after the past holidays. Taking into account the non-working days and the celebration of Eid al-Adha, people went to their ancestral villages.

Then the Deputy Chairman of the Government of the RD Anatoly Karibov reported on the implementation of the protocol decisions of the previous meeting of the Operational Headquarters. To date, 13.6 thousand people out of 43.4 thousand medical workers in the republic have been vaccinated, as well as about 2.6 thousand social workers out of 11.1 thousand. In addition, Karibov spoke about vaccination in the executive authorities of the Republic of Dagestan. “The information campaign, according to the information of the executive authorities, has been activated. As of May 17, 497 employees of the offices of the ministries and

departments of the republic, or 22.4% of the actual number of their employees, were vaccinated. In total, 2,222 employees work in the offices of the executive authorities, ” the speaker said.

He also added that for the active and fruitful work on countering the spread of the new coronavirus and vaccinating the population, the gratitude of the Head of the Republic of Dagestan was announced to the heads of the Botlikh, Karabudakhkent, Kaitag and Khunzakh districts.

In addition, Anatoly Karibov reported on the work in the field of education. Thus, in the universities and colleges of the republic, the mask regime has been strengthened, they have purchased more than 200 thousand masks, remote thermometry is carried out at the entrance to educational buildings and dormitories, containers for collecting used masks are placed, air disinfection installations are operating in the premises. According to information received from the universities of the republic, as of May 17, 266 teachers and 87 students were vaccinated. In total, there are 107.5 thousand employees in the education system of the republic, and only 15.1 thousand of them are vaccinated.

In turn, the Minister of Health of Dagestan Tatyana Belyaeva said that the republic currently has 1085 beds for patients with coronavirus infection and community-acquired pneumonia, 34% of the beds remain free in case of a complication of the situation. According to the average results, the number of hospitalized people in the region is two less than those discharged. She also spoke about the distribution of the vaccine to municipalities. Belyaeva clarified that in several districts the use of the drug is below 50%.

Within five days, it is expected to deliver 2,430 doses of EpiVacCorona vaccine, 1,560 doses of CoviVak and 84,000 doses of Sputnik V. During the holidays, according to Belyaeva, doctors and vaccination centers did not stop working. The Minister of Health noted the increased activity among the population in terms of vaccination. She also thanked the religious preachers who, in their addresses to the parishioners, talk about the possibility of getting vaccinated.

As part of the meeting of the Operational Headquarters, the report of the chief sanitary doctor of the republic Nikolay Pavlov was traditionally heard, who announced detailed statistics on the incidence of coronavirus infection. As the head of Rospotrebnadzor for RD said, there are facts of an increase in the incidence in 12 territories in the republic. Among them are the cities of Kaspiysk, Izberbash, Khasavyurt, as well as Botlikhsky, Sergokalinsky, Kazbekovsky, Khunzakhsky and a number of other districts. At the same time, no diseases were recorded in 17 municipalities.

Returning to the issue of strengthening measures, the head of the Department of Rospotrebnadzor for RD noted that it is extremely important during the summer season to strengthen control over compliance with the mask regime in places of mass congestion.

This thesis was confirmed by the Acting Head of Dagestan, who instructed the protocol to prescribe this order. Moreover, as the head of the republic said, this applies not only to markets and grocery stores, but also to public transport and so on. “Our indicators are not worse than in other regions. But if we record an average of 40 to 45 new diseases per day, this should not calm us down,” the Acting Head of Dagestan said. As for vaccination, which is the main tool for combating the pandemic, it was instructed to fix the responsibility of the heads of executive

authorities and municipalities for its low rates in the institutions headed by them, and by the next EOS meeting, all departments and ministries will be divided into zones according to the rate of vaccination.

“There are enough arguments for vaccination. Today, all types of existing vaccines are delivered to the republic, and we will listen to everyone’s information,” Sergey Melikov stressed.

At the end of the meeting, the Acting Head of the RD also announced a meeting on the topic of tourism development, and also raised issues of working with investors. According to the head of the region, special attention is paid to working with investors and reducing bureaucratic delays. “There are processes that need to be carried out for the development of the republic. Dagestan is extremely attractive from the point of view of investment and we need to work in this direction, create conditions for them and help them,” the Acting Head of the Republic said.

Sergey Melnikov also noted that the implementation of national projects and the personal responsibility of each head of the ministry remains important. “These are federal funds and each of the supervisors of a particular area will report to the industry committees,” said Sergey Melikov, paying special attention to the design and construction of social facilities. The Acting Head of the RD instructed the Chairman of the Government of the RD Abdulpatakh Amirkhanov to include all these points in the work plan.