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“Snow Leopard” held a master class on first aid for children from poor families



Doing good is not difficult at all, and the result of good deeds and deeds is colossal. Helping people is an important quality in a person’s life. This is exactly what charitable foundations do – selfless and gratuitous assistance to all those in need.

On May 6, members of the Student Rescue Squad of the Dagestan State Medical University “Snow Leopard” held a master class on first aid for children from poor families as part of a charity evening.

The iftar event was organized by the Tut Good Charitable Foundation, which also celebrated its 5th anniversary.

Children were taught to provide first aid for fainting, epilepsy attacks, burns, frostbite and hypothermia, various bleeding, etc. They were shown an algorithm for performing cardiopulmonary resuscitation, giving a stable lateral position, as well as first aid for airway obstruction. The story about the correct algorithm for calling an ambulance turned out to be important. After the cognitive theoretical part, the children were waiting for practice. Each participant of the master class was able to work out the acquired knowledge on simulators.

The most interesting technique for children was cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), they listened with great enthusiasm and tried to repeat the entire algorithm without error.

Now the children know how to react urgently and provide first aid to both adults and children, without waiting for the arrival of the ambulance crew.

At the end of the master class, the children and their parents expressed their gratitude to the members of the team and noted the great opportunities and great benefits of the information and skills received.

Leyla Abdullayeva, Student rescue team “Snow Leopard”