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Student of DSMU awarded with a letter of gratitude of the President of the Russian Federation



On Tuesday, March 16, at venue of the Republican Youth Center, an expanded meeting of the board of the Ministry of Youth Affairs of the RD was held.

It was attended by Deputy Chairman of the RD Government – Muslim Telyakavov, Deputy Director of the Federal Agency for Youth Affairs – Pavel Abramov, Minister of Youth Affairs of the RD – Kamil Saidov, Minister of Digital Development of the RD – Sergey Snegirev, Deputy Minister of Health – Raisa Shakhsinova and others.

A welcoming speech was made by Pavel Abramov, who gave the audience words of gratitude for the work done from the head of Russian Youth Club, Alexander Bugaev. “Last year, of course, turned out to be difficult for all of us. We had a challenge called pandemia which has changed the world’s perception, people’s relationships and given impetus to development. Young people began to volunteer, which allowed us to get involved in the fight against coronavirus infection. The key event of 2020 was the adoption of the Law on Youth Policy, which establishes such concepts as “youth,” “young family,” etc. And most importantly, the age of youth has increased to 35 years. So, in the Republic of Dagestan, the number of young people increased sharply: from 830,000 to 1,100,000 people, “Abramov added. He also noted the positive dynamics in the work of the Ministry of Youth of the RD.

Reports on activities carried out by the Ministry for 2020 and plans for 2021 were made by the head of the Ministry of Youth of the RD Kamil Saidov, the head of the regional club #WeAreTogether – Karina Bammatmurzaeva, the head of the youth policy and sports department of the CDYPaS  and the Administration of the Derbent city – Khochbar Barkaev and coordinator of the Federal project “Sober Russia”.

Within the framework of the board, the award of youth distinguished in social activities for 2020 took place. As part of the award, a 6-year student of Dagestan State Medical University, the Head of the Volunteer Center – Elmira Mejidova was awarded with a letter of gratitude from the President of the Russian Federation for her selfless contribution to the All-Russian Mutual Assistance Campaign “We are Together.” This gratitude was awarded to 10 Dagestanis, which included four volunteer students of the Dagestan State Medical University.

“There has always been and remains very good youth in Dagestan. It is the most active part of the population and participates in all processes taking place in the country. It is very important to direct the enormous energy of young people in a positive direction. Therefore, the activities of bodies implementing youth policy are very valuable not only for young people themselves, but also for the whole society and the state as a whole, “said Deputy Prime Minister Muslim Telyakavov. – For three months I oversee youth policy in the region. And our youth, events held by the Ministry of Youth Affairs of the RD, surprised me pleasantly. Now we need to tune in to long-term projects, including the development of volunteerism. “

At the end of the event, the board members voted to make a decision according to which the work of the Ministry of Youth Affairs of the RD for 2020 was unanimously recognized as positive.