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Students of DSMU became finalists of the All-Russian Student Competition “I am a professional”



Students of Dagestan State Medical University became finalists of the All-Russian Student Olympiad “I am a professional” and took part in the final round of the competition.

They are Leyla Suleymanova, a 6th-year student of the general medicine faculty, Adina Babayeva, a 5th-year student of the faculty of dentistry, and Bariyat Sultanmatova, a 4th-year student of the faculty of pharmacy.

“I am a professional” is a large-scale educational competition of a new format for students of various fields of training: technical, humanitarian, natural science, pedagogical, agricultural and medical. The tasks for the participants are prepared by experts from leading Russian universities and the largest companies in the country. It is not abstract erudition that is being tested, but professional knowledge.

More than 29 thousand participants from 674 universities of the country passed to the final stage, who successfully coped with the tasks of the online selection stage. It starts in mid-February and runs till the end of April 2021. The results of the Olympiad will be announced and published on the official website in May 2021.

Diplomats will be able to take advantage of the benefits when entering the master’s degree, postgraduate and residency of leading Russian universities, and will also have the opportunity to undergo an internship in a large core company. There are also money awards of 100 to 300,000 rubles for medalists.