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Students of DSMU took part in the campaign for World Tuberculosis Day




On March 24, World Tuberculosis Day is celebrated worldwide to draw attention to this dangerous disease. The motto of World Day this year: “The clock is ticking” (“#TheClockIsTicking”) reminds us that we must not miss time in the fight against this disease.

In order to increase public awareness of the devastating consequences of tuberculosis, specialists of the RD Rospotrebnadzor with the involvement of students of faculty of preventive medicine of the DSMU, there are carried out sanitary and educational measures.

Thus, preventive measures covered educational institutions and higher educational institutions of the Republic. “Health lessons” were conducted, which revealed the main aspects related to the prevention of tuberculosis.

Experts have announced the main ways of transmitting a dangerous disease, clinical manifestations and methods of preventing an infectious disease. The children were told about personal hygiene measures and the conduct of a healthy lifestyle that contributes to strengthening the immune system and opposing the infectious disease.

Special attention was paid by specialists to the importance of timely preventive studies, primarily fluorography, in order to detect the disease in the early stages and its treatment.

To draw public attention to the problem of combating tuberculosis, preventive posters and booklets are distributed and posted in medical and educational institutions, as well as on the main streets and shuttles of minibuses in Makhachkala, urging citizens to contribute to the fight against dangerous infection and to undergo timely preventive examinations for tuberculosis.

Preventive measures aimed at combating tuberculosis will last in Dagestan until the end of the month.