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Students of DSMU won prizes at the II International Olympiad of students of medical universities “Samarkand – 2020”



DSMU students won prizes at the II International Olympiad of Medical University Students “Samarkand – 2020”, which was held on December 14-15, 2021 at the Samarkand State Medical Institute. Acting Rector of DSMU Visampasha Khanaliev congratulated students and their teachers on winning a significant conference and wished them further success.

The purpose of the Student Olympiad is to popularize knowledge in the various fields of medicine and fundamental sciences, as well as to increase students’ interest in academic activities and science, to create opportunities for students to display scientific and creative potential.

Teams of higher medical educational institutions of Russia, Turkey, Poland, Belarus, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and other countries took part in the International Online Olympiad of Medical Students. The number of students who arrived was 300 and more than 2000 took part in the online format, including students of Dagestan State Medical University.

30 subjects were presented in the Olympiad, where the participants of the Olympiad showed their knowledge writing tests and the second part of the tasks consisted of showing students their visual and practical knowledge. The Olympiad was held in Russian, Uzbek and English. The creative projects of the participants were evaluated by a jury consisting of experts, professors and teachers from foreign countries.

During the evaluation, the jury members paid special attention to the theoretical validity and practical significance of the presented works for the fields of practical medicine. Thanks to the extensive use of the latest information technologies in the work of the organizing committee of the Olympiad, all students marked as winners of various nominations had the opportunity to receive their certificates immediately after the announcement of the results.

The members of the SSC “PhysioLand” of the Department of Normal Physiology of Dagestan State Medical University took prizes in various nominations: biochemistry: Magomed Sulluev — 3rd place, Ullubiy Soltanov (nomination — an extraordinary answer); physiology: Magomed Sulluev — 3rd place, Gulnaz Gajimirzoeva, Gadzhi Tamirov (nomination — the most active player); propaedeutics of internal diseases: Said Mirzakhanov — 2nd place, Jabrail Jabrailov; Latin language and medical terminology: Khairulbariyat Osmanova; ophthalmology: Zarina Kukhmazova; human anatomy: Malik Aliskerov; medical biology: Ali Rizvanov; obstetrics and gynecology: Patimat Magomedova.

The section “Histology, pathology and Embryology” was attended by 3 students of the medical faculty(2nd year) of DSMU: Patimat Muslimova, Maryam Daudova and Larisa Ibragimova. According to the results of solving situational problems and explaining practical skills, the international jury unanimously distributed the places: the 2nd place was awarded to Muslimova Patimat and the 3rd place was awarded to Daudova Maryam, the certificate in the nomination “The best solution of test questions” was awarded to Ibragimova Larisa.

Considering the large number of participants and universities from different countries, our students proved themselves to be one of the best! Congratulations to our students on a worthy victory! And the departments  with an excellent level of training of the participants of the Olympiad!