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Students of the Trade Union Committee held an information campaign dedicated to the World AIDS Day



Students of the Trade Union Committee held an information campaign dedicated to the World AIDS Day.

The World Health Organization celebrates World AIDS Day on December 1.  This year is held under the slogan “Time for equality!”.

In this regard, activists of the Student sector of the United Trade Union Committee of Dagestan State Medical University held an action dedicated to the Day of the Fight against AIDS and HIV Infections on December 1, 2022 on the alley “City of Masters” in Makhachkala.

It is worth noting that to date, the incidence statistics are depressing: since the outbreak of the epidemic in the world, more than 60 million people have been infected with HIV infection, 25 million of them have died from various diseases associated with this infection. In addition, more than 700 HIV-infected children are born on Earth every day, 80% of whom do not even live to the age of 5.

The purpose of the campaign is to attract the attention of the younger generation to this problem in order to avoid the spread of infection. Activists told passers-by how to protect themselves from infection and how important it is to start treatment in a timely manner.

“The human immunodeficiency virus – HIV – affects the immune system, and also weakens protection against many infections and some types of cancer that a healthy person’s immune system can cope with. The virus destroys and weakens the function of immune cells, so infected people gradually develop immunodeficiency. The latest stage of HIV infection is acquired immunodeficiency syndrome – AIDS, which some people, if left untreated, may develop after many years,” the guys explained.