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Suleiman Mammaev: “For the training of a modern doctor, interaction of the entire hierarchy school-university-hospital is necessary”



The acting head of Dagestan, Sergey Melikov, noted that the country needs to create a single education system for kindergarten – school – university at the former meeting of the Council of the Head of the RD for Science and Education on March 26. “Kindergarten, school, university is a chain that educates a citizen, a person who realizes responsibility for the present and future of his country, feeling part of its history and culture. Today, when the republic is in dire need of leaps forward in development, the state of the educational system, its quality is especially important,” the head of the territorial entity said in his speech.

In modern medical education, the trajectory “school – university – hospital” is considered. “A modern doctor is a specialist with deep professional knowledge, a wide range of practical skills, fluent in advanced computer technology, foreign languages. Such a professional must have the so-called “soft skills” (leadership, the ability to work in a team, develop and implement projects, conduct a constructive dialogue and much more). And, of course, the modern doctor is working to improve his competencies continuously throughout his life. The training of such a specialist is possible only with close interaction of all stages of the hierarchy “school-university-hospital.” Dagestan State Medical University conducts active career guidance work among schoolchildren. Doors Open Days are held annually, where high school students can get acquainted in detail with the educational and material and technical capabilities of the university, visit the anatomical museum, a multidisciplinary simulation and accreditation center, laboratories, personally communicate with students, teachers and management of the University, “said rector of DSMU Suleiman Mammaev.

He noted that a big step in the integration of school education into the trajectory of training of medical personnel will be the creation of the Preuniversity in DSMU, which is planned to be launched shortly. This is a profile school of a new type for talented high school students. In addition to ordinary lessons, they are waiting for research projects led by leading university scientists. Here, high school students will not only study the school curriculum in depth in the chemical and biological profile, but can also engage in scientific and project activities. Their mentors will be leading scientists of DSMU.

To continue education at the university, students are given wide opportunities to obtain deep fundamental knowledge and rich practical experience from the first years of study. An updated equipped anatomical museum allows you to not only get an idea of ​ ​ the history of studying the structure of the human body, but also provides extensive illustrative material. Already from the first courses, students undergo industrial practice in medical organizations of the Republic, having the opportunity to immerse themselves in the clinic environment in the role of medical personnel at all levels.

The opening in 2016 of an innovative multidisciplinary simulation and accreditation center at DSMU was a powerful impetus to further improve the practical training of students. A huge range of simulation equipment allows you to practice practical skills of various levels of complexity from the simplest to high-tech.

In addition, at the beginning of 2020, the  training operating room “WetLab” was launched at DSMU. The mission of the Training Operation is to develop and implement new simulation training technologies, which will significantly improve the quality of training of specialists. “WetLab” is a necessary step in the way of obtaining and improving surgical skills. Working in such an operating room will allow the surgeon-beginner to get the opportunity to perceive the sensation of tissue, feedback, work out mechanical sewing skills and many others.

The active introduction of simulation technologies in training, along with the passing of practice in medical organizations, allows DSMU to implement the main trend of modern medical education – practice-orientation. This not only significantly improves the quality of training of graduates and their demand and competitiveness in the market, but also significantly affects the motivation of students themselves.

In order to organize systematic work on the practical training of students of the DSMU and the Medical College of the DSMU according to WorldSkills standards, in November 2020, the Specialized Training Center for Competencies WorldskilsRussia “Medical and Social Care” was created in the DSMU. The center aims to solve a large number of problems: in addition to the fact that it is a training ground for preparing students, the national team of the RD for the WorldSkills championships, it is also a platform for holding regional, Russian and international Worldskils championships. After accreditation, WSR CCS will train specialists to provide palliative care in medical institutions, to provide medical and social care. Experts will also study at the center WorldSkills with the issuance of the relevant document.

“DSMU consistently creates an environment for the training of highly qualified specialists for the health sector of the region. The university is actively introducing advanced educational technologies, which allows us to improve the quality of education. However, the quality of training at a university directly depends on which applicants come to us. Therefore, the attention that the acting Head of the RD Sergey Melikov drew on the education system of the region as a whole is timely and necessary. Indeed, a comprehensive reset of the education system of the republic is needed, which will allow universities and schools of Dagestan to prepare high-quality personnel for all spheres of life, “concluded S. Mammaev.