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The Acting Rector of DSMU met with the prize–winning students of the I Student Olympiad in therapy among the teams of medical universities of the Russian Federation
On Monday, December 26, the meeting of the acting rector of Dagestan State Medical University Visampasha Khanaliev with the prize–winning students of the I Student Olympiad in therapy among the teams of medical universities of the Russian Federation took place. Recall that the Olympiad was held on December 16, 2022 on the basis of Lugansk State Medical University. 23 teams from Moscow, St. Petersburg, Astrakhan, Obninsk, Makhachkala, Omsk, Donetsk and Lugansk took part in the Olympiad.
Students of the 4th year of the medical faculty of DSMU, representing the Department of Faculty Therapy, performed worthily at the Olympiad. 2 teams were prepared: “Samurai” and “Morphine”. According to the results of the Olympiad, the Samurai team took the third place.
The meeting was also attended by the head of the Department of Faculty Therapy Nabi Chamsutdinov and Associate professor of the department Jariyat Abdulmanapova.
- Khanaliev congratulated the students and their supervisors on winning the Olympiad and noted that our students are among the best in the Russian Federation. “And you and other students confirm these words of mine with your victories at various competitions and Olympiads of regional, All-Russian and even international levels. We always try to support the desire of our youth for knowledge, we do everything to improve the quality of the educational process, we equip the departments and the simulation center with the necessary equipment to practice the practical skills of students. And this work will continue further,” the acting rector said.
Students and their supervisors told about how the Olympiad was held and how they prepared for it, expressed their suggestions for improving the educational process.