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The All-Russian scientific and practical conference “Pharmacy of Dagestan: integration of science, education and medicine” was held at DSMU



The All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference “Pharmacy of Dagestan: Integration of science, education and medicine” was held at the Scientific and Educational Innovation Center of Dagestan State Medical University. The conference was held within the framework of events held for the 90th anniversary of the University and is dedicated to the 5th anniversary of the Department of Pharmacy.

The conference was opened by the Acting rector of  DSMA Visampasha Khanaliev. “Dear colleagues, dear friends! I am glad to welcome you at the All-Russian scientific and practical conference «Pharmacy of Dagestan: Integration of science, education and medicine».

Approaching the centenary, Dagestan State Medical University can be proud of its history. Over the years, our university has gone the way from an institute to a university.

The Department of Pharmacy has taken a worthy place at the university for 5 years. The department teaches disciplines fundamental to the future pharmaceutical worker, the head of a pharmacy organization, a healthcare worker in the field of pharmacy.

The Department of Pharmacy, being one of the leading in the republic in training students in basic pharmaceutical disciplines, forms the professional competencies of future pharmacists, leadership qualities and competitiveness in the conditions of constant development and improvement of healthcare.

My sincere congratulations to the faculty on the occasion of the 5th anniversary of the department and wishes for further development, great creative successes, new achievements and victories!” – said V. Khanaliev.

The history of the opening of the Faculty of Pharmacy was told by the Chairman of the Committee on Health, Labor and Social Policy of the National Assembly of the Republic of Dagestan I.A. Mamaev. He highly appreciated the level of work done by graduates, the topics chosen, the bases for conducting scientific research, and noted the work of scientific supervisors who devoted a lot of time to training highly qualified specialists. In addition, Ilyas Mamaev presented the staff of the Department of Pharmacy and Clinical Pharmacology with letters of thanks from the Committee on Health, Labor and Social Policy for conscientious work in the health and education system.

She congratulated Dagestan State Medical University on a double holiday and presented a souvenir to MD, Professor of the Department of Pharmaceutical Technology with the course of Medical Biotechnology Pyatigorsk Medical and Pharmaceutical Institute of the branch of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of  Volga State Medical University E.F. Stepanova.  

The Minister of Health of the Republic of Dagestan T.V. Belyaeva and the Head of the Federal Service for Supervision of Healthcare in the Republic of Dagestan T.G. Mukhamedov spoke about the great contribution of the Faculty of Pharmacy to the development of science and practical healthcare.

Deputy Mahmud-Apandi Gadzhimagomedovich Akhmedov spoke on behalf of the Director of the Territorial Fund of Compulsory Medical Insurance of  Dagestan Republic  A.G. Gudkov. He noted the work of the Territorial Fund of Compulsory Medical Insurance and control of medical provision of medical organizations of the republics by clinical pharmacologists and pharmacists. In conclusion, M.A. Akhmedov thanked the university administration and the entire teaching staff for their fruitful work, wished them health and success.