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The conference “Radiation diagnostics in practical medicine” was held at DSMU
On March 25, the Scientific and Educational Innovation Center of Dagestan State Medical University hosted a scientific and practical conference of the Society of Radiologists and specialists of ultrasound diagnostics of Dagestan “Ray” on the topic “Radiation diagnostics in practical medicine”.
The regional public organization “Society of Radiologists and specialists of ultrasound diagnostics “Ray” has been in existence for 20 years. The organization holds quarterly meetings on current topics of radiation diagnostics. Each session is attended by 4 speakers from 4 subsections: classical radiology, Magnetic resonance and computed tomography and ultrasound diagnostics. The listeners are not only doctors of radiation diagnostics from all over Dagestan, but also residents of the Department of Radiation Diagnostics and even students of DSMU. Speakers and doctors of other specialties also took an active part.
The next conference was no exception, at which topical aspects of radiation diagnostics in practical medicine were discussed.
Presentations at the event were made by: Khalimat Mukhumayeva (radiologist of the Republican Urological Center), the topic of the report was “R-contrast studies of the urinary system. My clinical observations”; Rakhmat Idrisova (radiologist, head of the department of multispiral computed tomography of the Republican Clinical Hospital ), the topic of the report – “Congenital anomalies of the genitourinary system – MSCT observations”; Umarashab Yusupov (radiologist , assistant of the Department of Radiology and Radiotherapy DSMU), the topic of the report – “MR-anatomy of knee joints in children”; Aminat Babayeva (ultrasound doctor of Republican Clinical Hospital emergency medical services), the topic of the report is “Ultrasound diagnosis of acute appendicitis”; Arslan Bamatov (spinal neurosurgeon, doctor of the medical diagnostic center “Astramed”), the topic of the report is “CT or MRI, which is better in the diagnosis of a herniated disc”.
“The held meetings are training and demonstration of rare and difficult cases from practice. Such meetings are necessary for communication, professional growth and exchange of experience,” said the chairman of the society Efendi Ismailov.