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The conference “Topical issues of diabetology” was held at DSMU




  The Scientific and practical conference “Topical issues of diabetology” dedicated to the World Diabetes Day was held at the Scientific and Educational Innovation Center of Dagestan State Medical University on November 14, 2022. Organizers of the conference: Dagestan State Medical University, Department of Endocrinology of DSMU, the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Dagestan (Republican Diagnostic Center) and the Association of Endocrinologists of Dagestan.

  The conference was organized with the aim of raising the level of endocrinologists, therapists, improving the quality of medical services provided, introducing new medical technologies, practical healthcare, combining the efforts of endocrinologists and therapists in solving urgent problems of combating diabetes, developing new treatment approaches and prevention methods.

  She opened the conference with a welcoming speech on behalf of Acting Rector Visampasha Khanaliev, Acting Vice-Rector for Scientific Work Naida  Mollaeva, noting that the conference is taking place during a significant event for the university – the 90th anniversary of the establishing  of DSMU and also thanked for the participation and support of federal lecturers: Professor, Head of the Department of Endocrinology of the Moscow State Medical and Dental University named after A.I.Evdokimov” Ashot Mkrtumyan; Associate Professor of the Department of Endocrinology of the First Moscow State Medical University (Moscow)  named after Sechenov Alexey Zilov.

  Acting Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs Razin Ragimov also spoke on behalf of the Rector’s Office, who noted not only the scientific importance of the conference, but also the educational and methodological for young doctors, residents and senior students.

  Also, the deputy of Health Ministry of   Dagestan Raisa Shakhsinova made a welcoming speech , who noted that diabetes is a global disease that can be attributed to a pandemic, more than 60% of the population suffers from such a disease as diabetes mellitus. Raisa Narimanovna noted the importance of the scientific and practical conference to improve the quality of monitoring of patients with diabetes mellitus. The increase in morbidity was also noted in Dagestan, especially in patients with Type 2 diabetes.

 Further, topical reports of leading federal lecturers were listened to at the conference, who also joined the congratulations of the 90th anniversary of Dagestan State Medical University, noting that this university is one of the oldest in the Republic of the Russian Federation. Leading federal lecturers shared the news of the American Diabetes Association from the congresses held in 2022.

An interesting report “Treatment of heart failure with or without type 2 diabetes mellitus”, which was devoted to the problems of chronic heart failure, was made by the head of the outpatient advisory center for chronic heart failure at the Republican Clinical Dispensary Indira Kurbanova. Deputy Chief Physician for Endocrinology at the Republican Clinical Hospital Elmira Magomedova told about the new biosimilar drugs.

  Chief Freelance endocrinologist of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Dagestan and Head of the Department of Endocrinology Kamal Kamalov reported on the importance of testosterone replacement therapy for 2nd type diabetes in men.

The conference was hosted with a lively scientific discussion in the question-answer format.