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The Day of Knowledge was celebrated at DSMU




The Day of Knowledge was celebrated at Dagestan State Medical University on September 1. Meetings with students  were held separately for each faculty because of  the restrictions associated with the spread of the new coronavirus infection. On behalf of the management of the largest “Medical  faculty” of DSMU  new students were welcomed in the lecture hall of the educational and laboratory building on I. Shamil Ave. Meetings of students of pediatric, dental, preventive medicine and pharmaceutical faculties were held in the Biological and Morphological buildings.

The deans and their assistants congratulated the students on the beginning of a new stage in their lives and noted that studying at a medical university is quite a complex and responsible task that requires great effort and dedication. They wished the students a successful study, urged them to actively participate not only in the educational, but also in the scientific, cultural, and sports life of the university.

They also recalled that, the Minister of Health of the Russian Federation Mikhail Murashko in his address to the first-year students said that the healthcare system needs young and energetic personnel with the necessary knowledge and skills, selflessly dedicated to their work. “The COVID-19 pandemic situation  has shown everyone that the profession of a medical worker is the main profession in the world,” the minister said and reminded that vaccination before starting school will make it safe.