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The DSMU rector took part in the Board meeting of the Ministry of Health of the RD




On Thursday, April 22, the board meeting of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Dagestan was held. The rector of Dagestan State Medical University Suleiman Mammaev took part in it.

Artificial intelligence will help to make a diagnosis both in the republican institutions and in the rural hinterland, said the Minister of Health of the Republic of Tatarstan Tatyana Belyaeva at the Board meeting of the department. “New CT scanners are being installed, equipped are being opened, which allows us to improve the quality of medical care – and this will continue. The computer equipment and the Internet connection up to the paramedic-midwifery center allow remote consultation with highly qualified experts, the possibility of electronic appointment with a doctor, which we will expand, and an appointment for medical research.

We need to give a priority to electronic recording, so that people can understand that by signing up electronically, they will be able to get to the doctor without a live queue at the appointed time and do not need to come two hours in advance and sit waiting for the study. The issuance of an electronic sick leave, and an electronic referral mechanism for medical and social expertise-all this will reduce the waiting time for patients and expand the capabilities of medical institutions,” Tatyana Belyaeva drew attention.

She also noted that in addition to the issues of vaccination and medical examination of the population, in his Message, Russian President Vladimir Putin highlighted the importance of helping children with orphan diseases. The Ministry of Health is working on the purchase of drugs for the treatment of these rare diseases at the expense of the federal and regional budgets, the list of tIn his speech, the rector of DSMU Suleiman Mammaev noted the great  cooperative work of Dagestan State Medical University with the regional health care – more than 600 volunteer students worked in the “red zone”, the teaching staff was involved, and now the regional call center for coronavirus infection is working, where volunteers are involved.

It has become much easier to find out your HIV status and protect yourself from HIV infection in Dagestan. Low-threshold access offices are being opened in different cities, modern diagnostic equipment has been purchased in AIDS laboratories, and carriers of the immunodeficiency virus are being identified in the so-called “key groups”, that is, among people with a high risk of infection. This was stated at the Board of the Ministry of Health of the RD by the chief doctor of the Republican Center for Infectious Diseases, Prevention and Control of AIDS Ravganiyat Mirzayeva.

“We have purchased equipment with ELISA devices for all 10 laboratories. With a high level of patient commitment – something we try to explain when working with HIV-positive patients-good treatment outcomes can be achieved. There are currently 1,974 HIV-infected people in the republic, 1,600 of them are receiving antiretroviral therapy,” Mirzayeva said.

The AIDS department of the center cooperates with public organizations that help to interact with people with low civic responsibility, examine them and refer them for treatment when HIV is detected.

Prevention of the HIV spread is closely linked to the prevention of drug addiction. Young people of the republic are involved in the use of such substances as psychotropic drugs, snus and nasvay, – said the chief doctor of the Republican Drug Dispensary Salihat Omarova in her speech. This problem needs to be further addressed together with related agencies.

The implementing of Cardiac Arrhythmia department as part of the Republican Clinical Hospital of the EMS for a short period of its work showed a significant increase in operations of such specialization. The demand for such operations in the republic is 10 times greater, which means that this assistance will be expanded.