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The employee of DSMU took part in the All-Russian scientific-practical conference “Culture of health saving – the key to the health of the nation”



Acting Director of the Research Institute of Environmental Medicine named after S.A. Abusuev, Associate Professor of the Department of Normal Physiology of DSMU, Candidate of Medical Sciences Alexander Vladimirovich Krivtsov took part in the All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference “Culture of health saving – the key to the health of the nation” on April 25, 2024.

The event attracted the attention of high-class specialists in the field of health and education, organized jointly by the Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education “Moscow Pedagogical State University” and the regional public organization “Medical Helping Group” (Moscow), whose activities are aimed at improving the health of the nation.

At the conference representatives of the Ministry of Health of Russia, scientific community, management and teaching staff of medical and pedagogical universities and colleges of the Russian Federation.

With welcoming speech to the participants addressed a member of the Presidential Council for the Development of Civil Society and Human Rights, co-chairman of the All-Russian Union of Public Associations of Patients, Dr. Jan Vlasov and Head of the Department of Social Pedagogy and Psychology IPP MPPU Dr. Nina Tamarskaya.

The discussion focused on the topical issues of forming a culture of health saving for Russian citizens, and considered technologies of work of highly qualified health care specialists. The formats of preserving physical and mental health, achieving professional and creative longevity through the latest health-saving technologies were proposed.

Alexander Vladimirovich made a report on “The role of information technologies in raising awareness of health-saving practices and methods”. The report presented modern approaches used in the educational process in medical school to strengthen students’ commitment to a healthy lifestyle and formation of health-saving habits.