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The forum on first aid “The Way to Salvation” of the North Caucasus Federal District was held at DSMU



   The district forum on first aid “The Way to Salvation” started as part of the winning project of the All-Russian competition of volunteer initiatives “Region of Good Deeds” in Scientific and Educational Innovation Center of Dagestan State Medical University on November 5, 2022.

   The opening ceremony of the forum was attended by the Minister of Health of  Dagestan Tatyana Belyaeva, the head of the Department of medical volunteering and educational programs of the All-Russian public movement “Medical Volunteers” Konstantin Kruglov  as well as the Acting Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs of DSMU Razin Ragimov. The forum was attended by students from the Republic of Ingushetia, North Ossetia-Alania, Karachay-Cherkessia  and Kabardino-Balkar republics, as well as the Saratov Region.

  The forum was organized by Dagestan Regional Branch  “Medical Volunteers” with the support of  Dagestan State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Youth Affairs of the Republic of Dagestan and the Volunteer Center of DSMU.

  Noting the importance and necessity of holding the forum, the Minister of Health of Dagestan Republic Tatyana Belyaeva addressed the participants with parting words: “Today’s forum is dedicated to an important event – the provision of emergency first aid. It is medical volunteers who will most clearly be able to explain to young people how to provide first aid in various cases. There is a lot of work to be done during these days, but we wish good luck to the forum participants and are glad to see them in our republic.”


  A rich and interesting program was conducted for the volunteers. The children attended the lecture “Organizational and legal foundations of first aid” which was conducted by the federal coordinator of the direction “First Aid training and support of events” of the All-Russian public movement “Medical Volunteers” Anna Bykova. This was followed by a case session “Just about the difficult” from the head of the Department of Life Safety and Disaster Medicine Patimat Rabadanova after which the federal coordinator of the direction “Psychological assistance to the population” of the All-Russian public movement “Medical Volunteers” Leila Gadzhimagomedova conducted a training on team building called “Strength test”. The final platform of the first day of the forum was an interactive lecture “Providing psychological support for acute stress reactions” from the senior psychologist of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia in Dagestan Republic Patimat Shaikhova.

  The second day began with a lecture on the mechanisms and principles of the development of the direction in the regions, where participants shared their personal experience and showed master classes on first aid in various situations, the regional coordinator of the direction “First aid training and support of events” of  Moscow Regional Branch of  All-Russian Social Movement  “Medical volunteers”  Alexander Kamensky and the instructor of first aid skills training of the Moscow regional branch Irina Kamenskaya.

  After that, the trainings were held:

-“The Art of public speaking” by the founder of the intellectual club “IntClub” Khaibula Dadaeva.

– “Diary of a leader” by the head of the Department for work with students of Dagestan State Medical University Imanali Mustafayev

– “The Art of effective communication” by the federal coordinator of the direction “Psychological assistance to the population” of the All-Russian public movement “Medical Volunteers” Leyla Gadzhimagomedova.

The day ended with an exciting quest “Mountain Rescuers”, where 7 interesting stations were waiting for the participants:

 -“Electro”, where they provided first aid for electric trauma;

 -“Uncle Heimlich”, where it was necessary to provide assistance with airway obstruction, as well as psychological assistance in case of panic;

 -“30:2” – the correct algorithm for providing cardiopulmonary resuscitation;

 -“PP-test”, where participants solved a test of 20 questions on first aid;

 -“Under the rubble” in which it was necessary to provide assistance with crash syndrome;

 -“Rescue tour” included the imposition of one of the selected bandages.

We would like to note that the forum was held with the aim of developing the volunteer movement in the regions of the North Caucasus Federal District, as well as improving volunteer activities in the field of first aid, involving as many people as possible and gaining new knowledge, skills and experience.