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The Health Patrol Project
In remote hard-to-reach settlements of Dagestan, as a rule, it is not customary to seek medical help, and even more so, to undergo an annual examination. People suffer pain or are treated with folk remedies, which can end very badly.
In this regard, the project “Health Patrol” was launched in Dagestan within the framework of which students of medical educational institutions traveled to the most remote areas and conducted consultations, conversations with local residents, explained the risk factors of various diseases.
At the moment, more than 15 trips have already been organized to the municipalities of the republic, such as Kazbekovsky, Gunibsky, Dahadayevsky, Akushinsky, Derbent and many other districts of the Republic of Dagestan.
The purpose of this project is to increase the availability of medical care and literacy of the population of remote municipalities in matters of preserving their own health with the involvement of medical students for their further successful adaptation and improvement of competencies in the field of work with the population through volunteering.
Students of Dagestan State Medical University also took part in the project who together with specialists traveled to remote municipalities to provide medical advice to the population, conduct diagnostic and educational activities in order to identify diseases and risk factors for their occurrence, as well as provide various types of assistance.
The project is organized by Dagestan Regional Branch “Medical Volunteers”, the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Dagestan, Dagestan State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, medical educational institutions of the region.