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The III school of the Leader asset for activists of the Youth Affairs Committee was held at DSMU




  The III Asset School for activists of the Youth Affairs Committee of Dagestan State Medical University was held in the walls of the Biological Building of the Dagestan State Medical University on October 22.

   The opening of the event was marked by a welcoming speech by the Chairman of Youth committee  Shuainat Labazanova. After the words of parting words, wishes for success, as well as explanations of the concept and schedule of the Asset School, the guys went to the team places where six curators among experienced activists held a series of team building games.

   There were also invited speakers. One of them was a professional psychologist Gaji Shamov, who conducted a question-and-answer training for the guys. G.A. Shamov  answered questions received from students, gave a lot of useful advice and worked out a number of pressing problems with each listener.

   The second guest speaker was a mentor in communications and voice  Kamilla Kushieva. “How to express your thoughts? How to overcome the fear of public speaking? How to deal with parasitic words?” – K.K. Kushieva gave recommendations on these and many other issues.

     During the break between the speakers’ speeches, the activists had the opportunity to participate in an exciting sports and entertainment quest in the courtyard of the Biological Building. The guys who passed the first 2 Asset Schools prepared unexpected, in some moments frightening and intriguing, but no less interesting stations for the participants.

  Guessing an object in a black box, remembering childhood and jumping on the classics, feeling like a mummy, understanding what the team is trying to convey to you without being able to hear them is only a small part of what our activists had to go through.

  The event ended with the defense of the projects that the guys developed together with the curators. Each team was given the opportunity to create its own organization, distribute responsibilities in it and submit to the jury, which included the chairman of the Committee on Youth Affairs of   DSMU Shuainat Labazanova, Deputy chairman of the Committee on Youth Affairs of  DSMU for organizational work Kerim Kitalaev and the head of the department for work with activists Fatima Pirmagomedova. 

 “Leader” has already become a tradition of Committee on Youth Affairs. It is a unique platform where every activist can show his personal qualities, acquire new skills and strengthen the bonds of friendship.