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The intellectual and entertainment competition “Doctor +” was held at DSMU
On Saturday, March 20, the Doctor + intellectual and entertainment competition organized by the Student Sector of the United Trade Union Committee was held in the Morphological Corps of Dagestan State Medical University.
The goals of this event, aimed at first and second year students, are to increase motivation to study at the university, as well as consolidate and prepare students for teamwork. In total, 6 teams of first-second year students took part in the competition.
Teams needed to go through 4 stages, where it was important to show relish and resourcefulness, as well as show basic knowledge in the main disciplines studied in the first and second courses.
At the first stage of the competition, one participant was required to dress another, covering his eyes, in sterile clothes (mask, robe, gloves, and baffles). The second stage was a blitz survey on medical topics, and for the successful passage of the third stage it was necessary to sew the aorta. The final stage is the collection of first aid kits for the first medical care. Participants showed a high level of theoretical knowledge and practical skills.
The jury was an assistant to the Department of Faculty and Hospital Pediatrics M.T. Abdulmuslimov, head of the sector for the development of youth initiatives and student self-government M.N. Yunusova, head of the Department of Science and Education of the Student Sector of the United Trade Union Committee A.N. Pirmagomedov.
According to the results of all four stages, prizes were awarded as follows:
1st place – “Do not harm” team
2nd place – Didishka team
3rd place – the White Fang team
Uma Musaeva, Trade Union Committee