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The intramural Olympiad in Biological Chemistry was held for the first time in DSMU



On May 15, 2021, in the lecture hall of the Biological Building of the Dagestan State Medical University, the Committee for Youth Affairs held an intramural Olympiad in biological Chemistry among students of the medical and pediatric faculties.

The Olympiad was organized jointly with the Department of General and Biological Chemistry, so the place of honor of the jury panel was taken by the teachers of this department.

Biochemistry is the science that studies the chemical composition of living objects, the structure and ways of transformation of natural compounds in cells, organs, tissues and whole organisms. This is a large area of knowledge that the sophomores studied with great enthusiasm and desire at our university. Now it’s time to check the quality of the knowledge gained during the entire course of study.

15 teams applied for participation in the Olympiad, only 8 of them made it to the semifinals. And in the final, 4 of the bravest and most determined teams competed.

The teams showed a high level of knowledge, interest and love for the subject, perseverance and eagerness to win. The teams showed the following results: the 3rd place was taken by the team “Gen’ei Ryodan”, the 2nd place rightfully went to the team “Carriers of Life” and the honorable first place was taken by the team “Sectumsepra”.

We express our deep gratitude to the Department of General and Biological Chemistry for their help in organizing the Olympiad, and we congratulate the winners and prize-winners on their prizes and wish them further success in their studies.

Angela Mirzabekova, Youth Affairs Committee