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III Всероссийская конференция «TED-Medical»
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The Ist conference “Ecological Cardiology is a multidisciplinary problem”
The first scientific and practical conference “Ecological Cardiology is a multidisciplinary problem” was held in the building of the Scientific and Educational Innovation Center of Dagestan State Medical University on November 17, 2022. The conference was organized by DSMU, Health Ministry of Dagestan , the Research Institute of Environmental Medicine named after S.A. Abusuev , the Department of Cardiology and Cardiovascular Surgery of the Faculty of Advanced Training of DSMU, the Department of General Hygiene and Human Ecology, the Dagestan Center of Cardiology and Cardiovascular Surgery.
The conference was attended by Acting Rector of DSMU Visampasha Khanaliev; Deputy Minister of Health of the Republic of Dagestan Raisa Shakhsinova; Director of the Dagestan Center of Cardiology and Cardiovascular Surgery, Head of the Department of Cardiology and Cardiovascular Surgery of FAT of DSMU Osman Makhachev;
Chief physician of the Republican Cardiological Dispensary, chief freelance cardiologist of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Dagestan Magomed Totushev; Acting Vice-Rector for Science Naida Mollayeva, Acting Vice-Rector for Medical Work Magomed Khamidov, Director of the Research Institute of Environmental Medicine Rasul Ataev, Professor of the Department of Hospital Therapy No. 1 Suleiman Mammaev, staff and students of DSMU, doctors.
The event was opened with a welcoming speech by V. Khanaliev, who recalled that DSMU celebrates its 90th anniversary in 2022. “There is a long way behind this date, full of significant events and famous names of outstanding scientists, professors, teachers. Today, the university, preserving the best traditions of Russian medical education and using innovations in educational and scientific activities, rightfully occupies a worthy place among the medical universities of the country!
Holding today’s conference on such an urgent topic is an important event and judging by the number of participants represented will help attract the general public attention to topical issues existing in cardiology.
And I am sure that the conference will contribute to the further improvement of the work of the cardiology service, will allow participants to get acquainted with approaches to the treatment of environmentally dependent cardiovascular diseases and establish an effective exchange of experience between specialists. I wish all participants and guests of the conference health, peace and kindness!”, he said.
Raisa Shakhsinova congratulated all the participants on holding such a significant event. “Today, we are holding a conference on environmental cardiology for the first time in Russia. This is actually a significant event. This topic is very important for Dagestan. Mortality from cardiovascular pathology is in the first place among the causes in the structure of the total mortality of the population of the republic. I am sure that holding such events and discussing issues of environmental cardiology will contribute to improve the situation,” she said.
The plenary part of the conference was opened by the report “Ecological cardiology in theory and practice” by R. Ataev. He spoke about the concept of environmental cardiology, talked about risk factors for cardiovascular diseases, about the Multicenter Observational study ESSE-RF-3, the regional center of which in Dagestan was the Research Institute of Environmental Medicine.
Osman Makhachev made a presentation: “high-tech medical care for diseases of the circulatory system: 10 years of experience of the Dagestan Center of Cardiology and Cardiovascular Surgery.” He elaborated on the stages of introducing high-tech medical care in cardiovascular surgery, demonstrated the achievements of the center in figures, noting that the Dagestan center is the first in the entire North Caucasus in terms of the number of high-tech interventions.
Suleiman Mammaev announced the report “Analysis of mortality for the 1st half of 2022 and the requirements for dispensary supervision of adults in Dagestan Republic”, which provided a detailed analysis of the causes of mortality of the population of Dagestan for 2021 and the first half of 2022, identified problem areas in the classification of causes of death. Mamaev also spoke in detail about the changes in the requirements for dispensary supervision of adults.
Then there were reports on no less relevant topics: “Genetic features of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy in various ethnic populations” – Magomed Radzhabov, Head of the Department of Personalized Medicine at Research Institute of EM named after S.A. Abusuev ;
“Ecological-hygienic and socio-economic aspects of congenital heart defects in Dagestan Republic” – Head of the Department of General Hygiene and Human Ecology Magomed Magomedov; “Rehabilitation of cardiac patients” – Deputy Chief Physician of the Dagestan Center of Cardiology and Cardiovascular Surgery Madina Dibirova; “Modern strategy of diagnosis and surgical treatment of multifocal varicose veins” – Deputy Chief Physician of DCC and CVS Fuzuli Abasov and others.