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The meeting of the Student Scientific Circle (SSС) on normal physiology “Physiology: past, present and future” was held at DSMU



  A meeting of the student scientific circle on normal physiology “Physiology: Past, present and future” was held in the hall of the Academic Council of Dagestan State Medical University on Saturday, November 18. The meeting was held in an online and offline format.   

  Acting Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs Razin Ragimov made a welcoming speech on behalf of the Acting Rector of DSMU Visampasha Khanaliev. “I am glad to open the first meeting of the Student Scientific Circle on Normal Physiology “Physiology: Past, present and future”, organized jointly with our colleagues from Andijan State Medical Institute. I sincerely hope that today’s meeting will further optimize the interest of young people in this discipline and will interest them in scientific activities. Thank you for your attention!” – Razin Ragimov said.

   Further, the Vice-rector for Science of ASMI Kamoldin Salakhitdinov, Acting Vice-rector for Strategic Development and Digital Transformation of DSMU Jamila Omarova, Head of the Department of Normal Physiology of ASMI Albina Khudoyarova, Associate Professor of the Department and head of SSС on Normal Physiology of DSMU Naida Abdullaeva spoke with words of greeting.

The meeting was also attended by Dean of the Faculty of Dentistry of DSMU Tagir Abakarov, Head of the Department of Anatomy and Clinical Anatomy of Tashkent State Medical Academy Dilmurod Khozhiev, assistants of the Department of Normal Physiology of ASMI Marina Mirzaragimova, Ilkhom Usmanov, Dildora Irgasheva, as well as students and circle members of normal physiology of DSMU and ASMI.

 The program of the meeting included the following reports of students:

 “Digitalization in physiology” – Khabiba Shamsutdinova

 “The Magic of the brain: research by N. Bekhtereva” – Khadizhat Mugutdinova

 “To the anniversary of Professor G.F. Korotko” – Sodikzhon Abdurakhmonov

 “Nervous regulation of blood circulation” – Marat Telekavov

 “Scientific heritage of G. Bekeshi” – Abdurakhmon Rakhmonov

 “Intestines, food and brain” – Malika Abdulaeva.

  The meeting was held in a warm and friendly atmosphere: the audience was involved in   to the active dynamics of communication, which quickly ceased to be formal and turned into an interesting discussion. During the meeting, the organizers decided not to stop there and continue to develop cooperation. After all, by organizing events in which universities from different parts of our country can take part, we can not only exchange valuable knowledge with colleagues thousands of kilometers away, but also actively maintain warm friendly relations with them.

  According to the acting rector of DSMU Visampasha  Khanaliev, the number of students studying in the Student Scientific Circle on Normal Physiology is increasing every year, and in recent years the circle has been attended by  40 or 50 students . These are the most active and talented students of various courses and faculties. The active work of the Department of Normal Physiology allows circle members to analyze various topics. This is how they get acquainted with new scientific literature, prepare scientific papers, read popular science lectures and participate in grant projects, etc.