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The NCFD III Forum of in-office doctors has started its work
On Thursday, April 8, the III Forum of outpatient doctors of the North Caucasus Federal District began its work. The scientific director of the program is the head of the Department of Therapy, Clinical Pharmacology and Emergency Medicine of MSUMD named after A. I. Evdokimov, the head of the RPO “In-office doctor” Arkady Vertkin. The forum is held in an online format.
Tamerlan Gogichayev, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Health of the Republic of North Ossetia – Alania, and Suleiman Mammaev, Rector of Dagestan State Medical University, were invited speakers at the forum.
In his greeting, S. Mammaev said: “Arkady Lvovich is a major healthcare organizer and a fine clinician, a brilliant lecturer who has been working for many years to improve the quality of care at the outpatient stage. The health of our country’s citizens largely depends on the quality of training of primary care specialists and the quality of care provided at this stage. The program of the forum is very rich and aesthetically attractive, it captivates the listener, you want to listen to it until the end. I am sure that the forum will be effective, and its participants will learn a lot of new and interesting things, ” said the Rector of DSMU.
At the end of his speech, S. Mamaev suggested that the next forum, which is coming around in 2022, should be held in Makhachkala hosted by DSMU. This proposal was supported.
After the greeting of Tamerlan Gogichayev, the scientific and practical program of the forum started.
The audience was presented with lectures: “The many faces of COVID-19”; “The present century and the past century through the eyes of a therapist”, “The therapist of our time”. Then there were the following sections: “Topical issues of regional medicine”, “Outpatient reception”, “Digital technologies for polyclinics”, “The role of the primary care therapist in maintaining reproductive health”, “Society”In-office Doctor”- the flagship of pre-hospital medicine”; creative symposium “Mind games: clinical interpretation and correction of mental processes” and much more.