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The next meeting of the Academic Council of DSMU




On Wednesday, September 29, a regular meeting of the Academic Council of the University was held in the assembly hall of the Scientific and Educational Innovation Center of Dagestan State Medical University. The meeting was opened and led by Acting Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs Razin Ragimov. He announced the agenda, which included 5 questions: competitive cases, admission to clinical residency in 2021, admission to secondary vocational education programs, the results of the summer examination session.         

 Before the meeting, the participants observed a minute of silence in memory of the employees who left over the past month. Svetlana Mineeva, Secretary of the competition commission, introduced the members of the Council to the candidates elected to various positions and submitted for academic titles. Dean of the Faculty of Training of Highly Qualified Personnel Aminat Magomedova reported on admission to the clinical residency in 2021. She gave a detailed picture of the specialties for which the clinical residency was being recruited, told about the competition and the number of enrolled residents.   

  Director of the Medical College of DSMU Magomed Magomayev told the members of the Academic Council about admission to secondary vocational education programs. There was also information about the directions in which the recruitment was carried out, the competition in each direction and the number of enrolled students.   

The results of the summer examination session were announced by the deans of the faculties. In each report, the results of the summer session were analyzed in detail, data on primary and absolute academic performance, the number of students who did not pass the session were announced.

In the “Various” section, information was heard from the university management, heads of structural divisions.

DSMU Press Service