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The opening of the athletic fields DGMU with the participation of President of  Dagestan Republic Vladimir Vasiliev



Today, on March 21, the Head of Dagestan Vladimir Vasiliev took part in the opening of a new sports ground near the building of the hostel for foreign students of Dagestan State Medical University. The head of the region was accompanied by the Chairman of the government Artem Zdunov, the rector of DSMU Suleiman Mamayev, first Deputy Prime Minister Anatoly Karibov, Deputy Chairman of the people’s Assembly of Dagestan  Elena Melnikova, the Ministers, the heads of several municipalities.

Portal was created for staff and students of the University in the framework of the project “Dagestan State Medical University is the territory of a healthy lifestyle.” This is the fourth sports facility which was built at the University. It includes: volleyball and basketball courts, a workout area and a zone equipped with simulators. Also, within the framework of this project, the workout site was established on the territory of the biological training and laboratory building. The total area of the sports ground is 473 sq. m. the Construction was carried out at the expense of extra-budgetary sources.

Opening the event, rector of DSMU Suleiman Mamayev welcomed Vladimir Vasiliev and other guests noting that he is very pleased that the Head of the region visited the University and will discuss important issues for the University and the Republic on health-saving technologies and employment of young professionals

The rector recalled that the ” May ” Decrees of the President Vladimir Putin defined national projects, and one of the main goals is to increase the life expectancy of Russians to 74 years by 2014, to 80+by 2030. “In the Address Of the head of the Dagestan Republic  Vladimir Abdualievich to the People’s Assembly, the implementation of national projects in the region, the program of development of health, science, education, youth policy, sports was detailed, the economic policy was determined. All of us should be actively involved in the implementation of the tasks set before us.

Human health is 60% or more dependent on the conditions of his life. The main reason why we lose people of working age is cardiovascular diseases, oncology, external factors.  The main goal of modern health care is the active role of the person, strengthening their own health.  If it to transfer to society-the creation of a proactive society and public health system. There is a legal framework for the implementation of this system. We all need to work actively with the population to spread the principles of a healthy lifestyle, motivated commitment to a healthy lifestyle, creating conditions for such a lifestyle. Dagestan State Medical University has declared itself a territory of healthy lifestyle. Over the past two years, we have overhauled indoor sports facilities, built two football mini-fields and a student canteen. This year, the project of arrangement of a sports ground for students who live in a hostel for foreign citizens studying in Dagestan State Medical University was implemented,” S. Mammayev said.

He reminded that famous athletes who glorified not only the University, but also Dagestan for the world  graduated from this University. This is the legendary Ali Aliev, a five-time world champion; silver medalist of the Olympic games 1980 Magomedhan  Aratsilov; a legendary archer Makhlukhanum Isayeva. And the younger generation, which is present at the site today, is the master of sports in athletics, who became the finalist of the personnel competition “My Dagestan” Tamara Suleymanova, the men’s volleyball team of the University, the women’s basketball team and other athletes of the University.  “Welcome to our University, welcome to the territory of a healthy lifestyle!”- concluded S. Mamayev.

Addressing the students, Vladimir Vasiliev congratulated them on the opening of the athletic field and reminded them of The President’s Message, in which the Head of state spoke about  “zemskii  doctor”. “Today we have seriously changed the attitude of the doctor. We are now consistently solving the problem to use the opportunities of  compulsory health insurance Fund in full to stimulate the work of doctors. We have set the task to carry out as many high-tech operations as possible. Only last year 30 per cent increase in the number of surgeries for cardio stenting. The situation correlates exactly with the fact that we still have a few years ago, cardio stents was higher in price in  Russia on average by 30 percent. We equated them in the course of trading, and immediately increased the number of operations by exactly 30 percent. So we need more good people. And so we will move in all directions.

We agreed that all high-tech operations should be carried out here in Makhachkala to free people from unnecessary trips to other cities of Russia. This will affect the salaries of  both doctors and nurses, “, — said Vladimir Vasiliev. He also said about the plans to make every effort to ensure that people receive quality medical care in district hospitals, and they did not have to go to Makhachkala.

The most important thing the President talked about was the “zemsky doktor”. In Russia it was always so that the doctor went to his patient. We want to revive this in rural areas, additional funds will be allocated for this. This approach is shared by our Government and our Parliament. I think that together we will now make sure that the doctor, who will go to the countryside, will receive support. Moreover, we will create conditions for it, payments will be made, a system of retraining and training will be organized. We will make sure that their career was not only their personal business. We intend to do it, ” the Head of Dagestan said.


At the end of the official part of the event, the honorary right to raise the flag of the Russian Federation was granted to Deputy Chairman of the Committee on health and social policy of the People’s Assembly Magomedkhan Aratsilov and resident of the DSMU, master of sports in athletics Tamara Suleymanova.