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The photographer of the Youth Media Center Sector became the owner of the special diploma of the All-Russian photo contest “Fathers and Children”
Photographer of the Youth Media Center Sector of Dagestan State Medical University Ismail Eskendarov took part in the All-Russian photo contest “Fathers and Children”. The organizer of the competition was the municipal budget institution of culture of the city of Novosibirsk “Siberian Memorial Art Gallery “Great Patriotic War 1941-1945”.
Such events are mainly aimed at preserving the historical memory of the heroism of the Soviet people during the Great Patriotic War, bringing together the value orientations of youth and the older generation, strengthening continuity and traditions, promoting the development and preservation of the connection of generations.
The Siberian Memorial Art Gallery hosted the opening of the exhibition following the results of the All-Russian Photo Contest “Fathers and children” On on November 9, 2022. The event was attended by the Mayor of Novosibirsk Anatoly Lokot. He highly appreciated the work carried out within the framework of the photo contest and also awarded the winners and participants.
In total, 3 nominations were announced, including:
“We are together. Communication of generations. The photographs depicting moments of communication between the older and younger generations, revealing the issue of connection and continuity.
“We are the heirs of Victory” – photographs showing respect for the past of our people, our Homeland, its history and traditions; love for the native land; active citizenship of the younger generation.
“Portrait” – photographs depicting veterans of wars and labor.
Thus, a 6th–year student of the Faculty of Medicine, photographer of the Youth Media Center Sector Ismail Eskendarov took part in the All-Russian photo contest. As a result, he received a special diploma for his work in the “Portrait” nomination. Congratulations and we wish him further success!