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The rector of DSMU met with a student awarded the medal “For Military Valor” of the II degree



Rector of Dagestan State Medical University Visampasha Khanaliev met with a 4th-year student of the Faculty of Dentistry, paramedic Jamaludin Amirkhanov, who was awarded the medal “For Military Valor” of the II degree, on Tuesday, January 16. The meeting was also attended by rector’s assistant Yakub Fedorov, Rector’s advisor Isak Irbaykhanov, Vice-rector for Science, Acting Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs Naida Mollayeva, Head of the Security Department Abdulnasir Rajabov, Dean of the Faculty of Dentistry Tagir Abakarov and the student’s mother Bariyat Amirkhanova.

Jamaludin served in the Belgorod region, and proved himself heroic in the protection of the state border.

The rector thanked D. Amirkhanov for his valor. “You have shown yourself to be a real Dagestani, a real hero. It is a great honor to receive such an award. I want to thank your mother, Baryat, for his upbringing. At the moment when our country needed you, you were on the front line. And today you are studying the most humane and sought-after profession of a doctor. I want to assure you that I will provide him with all possible support. I am sure that you will become an excellent doctor and continue your studies in residency.

Once again, I congratulate you and want to say that you are the pride of our university and will serve as an example for your classmates and other students of the university,” the rector said.

D. Amirkhanov, in turn, thanked the rector for the welcome and warm words and replied that he would make every effort to become a highly qualified doctor.

Following the meeting, V. Khanaliyev instructed to raise the issue of transferring Amirkhanov from paid education to free at the upcoming meeting of the relevant commission.

The meeting ended with a memorable photo.