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The regular meeting of the Academic Council was held at DSMU



On Tuesday, April 23, a regular meeting of the Academic Council of Dagestan State Medical University was held. The meeting was opened and conducted by the Chairman of the Council – Rector of DSMU Visampasha Khanaliev. Before the beginning of the agenda discussion he announced a minute of silence in memory of Professor Abdulgamid Davudovich Aliyev, Head of Eye Diseases Chair No.1 with advanced training of doctors, who passed away.

Then the participants of the meeting moved on to the discussion of the agenda, which included 4 issues: competitive affairs; report on the clinical activities of the university for 2023; on the activities of the trade union organization; miscellaneous.

On the first issue with information about the candidates elected to various positions in the university and presented to academic titles, the secretary of the competition committee Svetlana Mineeva familiarized the members of the council.

The report on the clinical activities of the University for 2023 was presented by Vice-Rector for Medical Work Magomed Khamidov. In his report he told in detail about the work done by the clinical departments, about equipping the departments with simulation equipment for students to practice practical skills, about the work of the project office for the development of regional healthcare, about the work within the framework of the joint order with the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Dagestan on the organization of visiting teams in the districts of the republic, as well as about the activities of the Career Center of DSMU.

В. Khanaliev noted that in general, the clinical activities of the university are developing, but there are still shortcomings that we should work on. “This year we will continue to equip clinical departments with simulation equipment, and I am sure it will give us excellent results. Work with the Ministry of Health in the direction of the project office and organization of visiting teams to the districts should be continued and improved”, – noted the rector of DSMU.

The report “About activity of trade union organization” was presented by acting chairman of Trade Union Committee of DSMU Khadjimurad Taygibov. He told about the work of the trade union organization of the university, held events, reported on the income and expenses of the organization.

After the speeches, the members of the Council could ask the speakers questions of interest, to which they received comprehensive answers.

In the “Miscellaneous” section, information from the university administration and heads of structural units was presented.

Asiyat Esedova, Secretary of the Academic Council, Head of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology of the Pediatric, Dental and Medical-Preventive Faculties, prepared the meeting and conducted it.