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The republican stage of the All-Russian Olympiad of schoolchildren in chemistry was held on the basis of DSMU




The regional stage of the All-Russian Olympiad of Schoolchildren in Chemistry was heldat the Department of General and Biological Chemistry, on January 18 and 19. The event was held in two rounds: theoretical and experimental.

The opening of the Olympiad took place in the 1st lecture hall of the educational and laboratory building of DSMU on January 18, 2022.Chairman of the Organizing committee,Head of the Department of General and Biological ChemistryEizudinNagiyev welcomedparticipants of the Olympiad on behalf of the Acting Rector of DSMU VisampashiKhanaliev. Welcoming words addressed to the students were made by representatives of the Ministry of Education and Science of Dagestan Republic, as well as the director of “Small Academy of Sciences” AimeseiDibirova. All speakers wished the participants of the Olympiad successful work.

After that, a theoretical tour among schoolchildren of grades 9, 10 and 11 of the Republic of Dagestan, winners of the district and city stages of the All-Russian Chemistry Olympiad took place in 3 lecture halls of educational and laboratory buildingofDSMU. By order of the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Dagestan, the jury of the regional stage of the All-Russian Olympiad was formed from the most experienced teachers of the Republic from various schools and universities, and the organizing committee of the Olympiad was formed by order of the Rector of DSMU.

The experimental part of the Olympiad was held on the basis of the Department of General and Biological Chemistry on January 19, 2022. According to the rules, all participants of the first round are allowed to the second round. Out of 123 previously announced schoolchildren, about 97 took part in the Olympiad. An individual workplace with all the necessary set of chemical equipment and reagents was prepared for each student, bathrobes and gloves were provided. In general, the Olympiad was held in a calm atmosphere.

The staff of the department, Associate professors ZalmuMagomedova, JamilyaBabayeva, SuvarOsmanova,senior lecturerZaremaAlimirzoeva, senior laboratory assistant of the Department of General Hygiene and Human Ecology ZulfiyaMikhailovna, senior laboratory assistant Aida Nasukhovatook part in the preparation and holding of the Olympiad.

Students can get acquainted with the results of the Olympiad on the website of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Dagestan.