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The results of the year were summed up at the Training and Medical Centre of DSMU



The annual report on the results of work in 2023 was held in the Training and Medical Centre of DSMU on December 26. They talked about success in work for this year and plans for 2024.

Rector of DSMU Visampasha Khanaliev and Vice-Rector for Medical Work Magomed Khamidov were honoured guests at the meeting.  

The meeting was opened by Rector Visampasha Yusupovich, who congratulated the staff on the coming new year, wished everyone health and prosperity in their work. He noted the positive dynamics in the work of the Training and Medical Centre. In particular, it is the expansion of staff from 8.0 to 90.0 units, purchase of necessary inventory and consumables. Over the past two years, the volume of medical services under the MHI has increased significantly, from 8 to 34.5 million. The salaries of employees, expenses for bonuses and the purchase of medical equipment and consumables have increased.

The Rector presented letters of appreciation to the most distinguished employees of the dental department. These are the dentists-therapists who have been visited by more than 1150 patients during 11 months of 2023. Such doctors were: D. Marshaeva, D. Sharipov, S. Sultanova and S. Kayalov.

Further reports were made by heads of departments. Chief physician Z.Najmudinov answered the questions that arose and noted that the most important achievement of the Training and Medical Centre staff is the specialised assistance provided for more than 16 thousand applications. Only in the department of medical rehabilitation – 558, gynaecology and ultrasound 1106 appeals, the rest in dentistry.

At the end of the event, V. Khanaliev instructed M. Khamidov to assist in solving the emerging issues, and also thanked the Training and Medical Centre for fulfilment of the state task on MHI, good work and positive feedback from patients.