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The round table on corruption prevention was held in DSMU



 A round table “On combating corruption in the Republic of Dagestan” was held in the conference hall of the Dean’s Office of Dagestan State Medical University on October 14. It was held at the initiative of the Ministry of Youth Affairs of  Dagestan  Republic  as part of the implementation of paragraph 4.15  state program of the Republic of Dagestan “On combating corruption in the Republic of Dagestan”.

 The purpose of the event is to identify and eliminate the causes of corruption, to counteract the conditions that contribute to its manifestations.

   The guests of the round table were Kamal Khavchaev, Deputy Head of the Department of the Head of the Republic of Dagestan on anti-corruption issues Gulnara Aliyeva, Deputy Director of “Republican Youth Center” of the Ministry of Youth of  Dagestan Republic Saida Alukayeva, Chief Specialist of the Department for the Implementation of creative projects of “Republican Youth Center” Alimurad Alibekov.

 Acting Vice-Rector for Public Relations and Social and Educational Work Elmira Abieva made a welcoming speech to the audience on behalf of Acting Rector Visampasha Khanaliev, highlighting the importance of the topic raised. Acting Vice-rector stressed that first of all is necessary to educate young people intolerant attitude to corrupt behavior, to increase the level of trust in public authorities.

During the event, the reports of students of DSMU were listened to: Yulduz Kairbekova (medical faculty), Musalav Musalaev (medical faculty), Islam Akhmedov (medical faculty). All reports were approved and nominated for participation in the VI Republican Youth Anti-Corruption Forum.

 Further, issues on topical anti-corruption issues were discussed, the guests outlined the importance and necessity of implementing the provisions of the approved Anti-Corruption Program in the Republic of Dagestan, statistical data on corruption crimes were announced.

 The end of the event was held in the format of a dialogue: answers and recommendations were given to students on their questions.