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The solemn rewarding of foreign students with letters of thanks took place at DSMU




On Wednesday, December 30, at the hostel for foreign students of the Dagestan State Medical University the rector of  DSMU Suleiman Mammaev met with the students living there.

Suleiman Mammaev wished all those present a Happy New Year. “The past year has been difficult for all of us due to the outbreak of the new coronavirus infection. In the New Year, I would like to wish first of all health to everyone and that this year will become harmless. With all my heart I wish you all success and luck new ideas and correct decisions bright, happy moments, self-confidence and optimism. May all good hopes and dreams come true! Health, happiness and prosperity to you and your loved ones! ”                S. Mammaev addressed the students.

The meeting was also attended by the vice-rector for public relations and social and educational work of  DSMU Elmira Abiyeva, the head of the international relations department Sazhida Khadzhaliyeva, assistant to the vice-rector Albert Alimetov, the dean of the medical faculty Razin Rahimov and others.

Further, the guests congratulated the winners of the II International Online Olympiad in Russian as a Foreign Language. Foreign students of the university took an active part in the Olympiad and three of them took prizes – 1st place was taken by Arzu Vazirova and 2nd place was shared by Gulshan Babirova and Ahmed Al-Tamari.

Further, the guests congratulated the winners of the II International Online Olympiad in Russian as a Foreign Language. Foreign students of the university took an active part in the Olympiad and three of them took prizes – 1st place was taken by Arzu Vazirova and 2nd place was shared by Gulshan Babirova and Ahmed Al-Tamari.

After congratulations, Akhmed al-Tamari read a Happy New Year greeting for the rector of the university S. Mammaev in the form of a poem. An online greeting from India and congratulations to foreign students of the preparatory department was prepared for the guests of the event.

Elmira Abieva also addressed those present with New Year’s wishes.

Then the ceremony of presenting the distinguished foreign students with letters of thanks for their good studies and active participation in the public life of the Dagestan State Medical University. The rector of Daggosmeduniversity S. Mammaev took part in the awarding ceremony.

Letters of gratitude were awarded to students of the Faculty of Medicine Mee Arumun (Nigeria), Sharma Shailendra (India), Bangar Yash Anand (India), Akram (India), Kuzvayo Stokozile Nontando (South Africa), Awuni Dorkas (Ghana), Adusei Richard (Ghana), Malik Mohd Salim (India), Al-Tamari Ahmed Adel Hussein (Yemen), Rusidze Revaz (Georgia) and student of the Faculty of Pharmacy Imran Machanov (Azerbaijan)

At the end of the official part, a festive program awaited the guests. Performed the song in Georgian by Revaz Rusidze. Then a colorful and creative battle was shown by representatives of India performing Indian dance. Well, the rich evening ended with a lezginka which created a festive atmosphere and immersed the audience in it.

Dina Balgishieva