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The team of DSMU became the prize-winner of the II All-Russian Olympiad in Sports Medicine “Medical marathon”




On April 10, 2021, Sechenov University hosted the Second All-Russian Student Olympiad in Sports Medicine “Medical Marathon”, dedicated to the Day of Cosmonautics and the 60th anniversary of the first human flight into space. The competition was attended by 28 teams from different cities of Russia and neighboring countries: Moscow, St. Petersburg, Voronezh, Yaroslavl, Belarus, Uzbekistan and others.

The event was organized by the head of the Department of Sports Medicine and Medical Rehabilitation of Sechenov University Yevgeny Achkasov, the chief doctor of the Russian national football team Eduard Bezuglov, and others.

The head coach of the Russian national football team (2015-2016), the head coach of FC “Rubin” Leonid Slutsky and the Russian cosmonaut-test pilot of the squad of the FSBI “Gagarin Research Institute of the CTC” Alexander Misurkin addressed the participants of the Olympiad.

At the Olympiad, topical issues of sports medicine, doping and anti-doping support, Paralympic sports, medical rehabilitation in traumatology, cardiology, neurology, etc. were discussed.

Dagestan State Medical University was represented by a team of students under the leadership of the head of the Department of Medical Rehabilitation with advanced training of doctors, Omar Omochev, and assistant of the Department of Medical Rehabilitation, curator of the team Sh. Gadzhieva. The 5th-year students of the department of general medicine, Mugad Huseynov, Ashura Magomedova, Tamari Buttayeva, Amina Magomedova, Nina Omarova participated in the Olympiad “Medical Marathon” as part of the team of DSMU “Kostiopeya”.

According to the results of all competitions, the DSMU team took 3 prizes: 2nd place in the category “Sports of the highest achievements”, 2nd place in the category “Paralympic Sports” and 2nd place in the category “Clinical tasks”.