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Volunteer Center: the Week of kindness is over
The events organized by the Volunteer Center of Dagestan State Medical University have come to an end within the framework of the Week of Kindness. Volunteers together with hippocenter “The world on horseback” organized a trip to Uzden Equestrian Club for special children to get acquainted with such a method of treatment as ippotherapy on October 20, 2022.
Volunteers participated in the training, learned how “horse treatment” affects the course of children’s recovery, analyzed all the indications and nuances of this therapy. Rehabilitation with the help of hippotherapy has no age restrictions. There are very few contraindications to hippotherapy. Moreover, it is allowed for the most complex diseases, when most rehabilitation techniques are contraindicated.
The next event in the framework of the Week of Kindness was a visit to the patients of the Children’s Republican Clinical Hospital named after N.M. Kuraev . This time, the volunteers visited young patients from the Department of nephrology, specializing in the treatment of kidneys and urinary system. Activists talked to children and their parents, played games, had fun, and also presented gifts that were bought with funds collected during the “Sweets of Life” campaign.
The cheerful atmosphere, friendliness and openness of both guests and children, gave a cheerful and joyful mood to all those present. The meeting ended with a shared photo.
Then a donor campaign “Reach the heart” was held. The organizers of the action were the Volunteer Center of DSMU together with the Republican Blood Transfusion Station.
“Blood donation is an incredibly important and accessible type of charity. Every three seconds someone in this world needs healthy blood and only 450 milliliters (that’s how much blood a donor gives for one donation) can save three lives. Donor blood is necessary for victims of emergency disasters, cancer patients the disabled and children with health problems. Any citizen of the Russian Federation at the age of 18, weighing more than 50 kg, who has no contraindications to donation and after a month from the date of vaccination can become a donor,” said an activist of the Volunteer Center Anisat Magomedova.
The transfusion station was visited by about 90 caring people and 70 people donated blood. At first, those who wished passed a preliminary medical examination to determine the blood type and hemoglobin level. Then having already received the approval of specialists, they were able to proceed with the blood donation procedure. Before donation, the volunteers were familiarized with a list of contraindications and possible side effects, told about the process of taking blood and also gave instructions on filling out documents.
About 30 liters of blood were collected in just a few hours. The participants underwent the donation procedure with a good mood and a great desire to help, after which every donor was given tea with lots of sweets.
At the end of the campaign, all participants were awarded delicious prizes, and 3 tickets to the international music festival “Russia – the Universe of Sound” were raffled off among them. The organizers of the action express their gratitude to all concerned participants for making their contribution to the blood donation reserves of the Republic of Dagestan.