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XXIII All-Russian scientific and practical conference “Shamov Readings”




The regular “Shamov readings” “Topical issues of the clinic and epidemiology of infectious diseases” were held on 4.06.21 in the conference hall of the Scientific and Educational Innovative DSMU.

The event was organized by the Dagestan State Medical University of the Russian Federation, together with the Ministry of Health of the RD and the Scientific Society of Infectious Diseases.

The conference was also broadcast online; representatives of Belarus, Azerbaijan, and Tatarstan took part in it.

Leading experts and scientists from Russia came directly to participate in the conference:

Vladimir Nikiforov – FMBA Chief Infectious Disease Specialist, Head of the Department of Infectious Diseases and Epidemiology of the Pirogov Russian National Research University, MD, Professor; Olga Leonova — Head of the Palliative Department of the St. Petersburg State Medical Institution “Center for the Prevention and Control of AIDS and Infectious Diseases”, MD, Associate Professor (St. Petersburg); Zhanna Ponezheva-Head of the Clinical Department of Infectious Pathology of the Central Research Institute of Epidemiology, MD, Professor (Moscow); Jamal Abdurakhmanov — Professor of the Department internal, occupational diseases and Rheumatology of the First Sechenov Moscow State Medical University; Vera Makashova-Leading Researcher of the Central Research Institute of Epidemiology, MD, Professor (Moscow), Khadizhat Omarova-Senior Researcher, Head of the Clinical Research Department of the Central Research Institute of Epidemiology (Moscow).

Naida Mollayeva, Acting Vice-Rector for Scientific Work of DSMU, addressed the conference participants with a welcoming speech on behalf of the Acting Rector of DSMU Suleiman Mamayev. “It is noteworthy that we have recently been able to hold conferences online, thereby attracting a large audience. But the leading scientists of Russia came to us to share their experience and knowledge personally. We are very grateful for that.”

According to WHO, today infectious diseases occupy a dominant position in the overall structure of pathologies and are one of the main causes of death in the world. The causes of deaths from infectious diseases today are pneumonia, tuberculosis, intestinal infections, HIV, hepatitis, and the new COVID-19 infection that we encountered last year. More than 13 million people, according to WHO, die from infectious diseases. To date, coronavirus infection continues to be a threat to the life of the population. One of the priority tasks facing us today is the prevention, detection and prevention of the spread of infectious diseases through vaccination of the population.

During the pandemic, the DSMU administratives, together with student volunteers, provided great assistance against coronavirus infection. We conducted online conferences of all levels, seminars, and master classes. The Institute of Additional Professional Education has done a great job of training general practitioners in the fight against the virus. The work of doctors was noted not only at the regional, but also at the Russian level. Many doctors have received government-level awards. Last year, a monument to medical workers who died in the fight against the spread of the new coronavirus (COVID-19) was opened near the Biological Building of the DSMU,” Mollayeva said in her speech.

Mollayeva thanked the doctors who continue to fight the virus today, saving lives. She spoke about the need to vaccinate the population and recalled that a vaccination center has been opened on the site of the DSMU, where anyone can get vaccinated.

Then the guests were welcomed on behalf of the RD  Minister of Health , Deputy Minister Raisa Shakhsinova. She thanked the guests who came to the conference to share their knowledge and experience.

Elena Arbuliyeva, the chief external infectious agent of MH RD, head of the Department of Infectious Diseases of ATF and ATS DSMU, began the plenary part of the conference with a lecture “Infectious Diseases in RD: Evolution, Current and Future Threats.” Arbuliyeva introduced the conference participants to the structure and dynamics of infectious disease in the world, the Russian Federation and the Republic of Dagestan, the existing threats, as well as possible ways to solve existing problems.

Najavat Zulpukarova, chief freelance epidemiologist of MH RD, presented a lecture “Manifestations of the epidemic process of the new coronavirus infection COVID-19 in the Republic of Dagestan”, where she introduced the conference participants to the current problems of the epidemiology of the new coronavirus infection COVID-19 for the Russian Federation and the Republic of Dagestan.