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XXIX All-Russian conference with international participation “Especially dangerous infections: progression threats and prevention” was held in DSMU
XXIX All-Russian annual scientific and practical conference with international participation “Especially dangerous infections: progression threats and prevention”, dedicated to the 87th anniversary of the Department of Infectious Diseases named after academician G. P. Rudnev and the 78th anniversary of the Victory in the Second World War, began its work at the DSMU Scientific and Educational Innovation Center on May 19.
Acting Rector of DSMU Visampasha Khanaliev addressed the conference participants with a welcome speech. He introduced the honored guests of the event. These are Ilyas Mamaev, Member of the National Assembly of the Republic of Dagestan, Chairman of the Committee on Health, Labor and Social Policy; Natalia Kolotilova, Professor of the Lomonosov Moscow State University, granddaughter of the Academician; Margarita Nagibina, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Infectious Diseases and Epidemiology of the Evdokimov Moscow State Medical University (Moscow); Alexander Sundukov, Professor of the Department of Infectious Diseases and Epidemiology of the Moscow State Medical University. Madina Gadzhikuliyeva – Professor of the Department of Infectious Diseases and Epidemiology of the Moscow State Medical University named after A. I. Evdokimov.
In his welcome speech, Visampasha Khanaliyev noted that the conference is dedicated to the 87th anniversary of the Department of Infectious Diseases named after Academician G. P. Rudnev and the 78th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War. He mentioned that unfortunately, in recent years we have often faced dangerous infections that have been defeated by vaccination long ago. “Unjustified refusal of preventive vaccinations often leads to sad consequences. In addition, the new coronavirus infection, the pandemic of which we overcame several years ago, is also very dangerous.
Discussion of topical issues of prevention and treatment of particularly dangerous infections is very important. The Head of our republic Sergey Alimovich Melikov also pays great attention to the prevention of these diseases.
Professional development of practical healthcare doctors, new approaches in the treatment and prevention of particularly dangerous infections, and the introduction of modern medical technologies into clinical practice will help us provide better medical care to the population of the Republic of Dagestan. I am confident that today’s conference will be successful and productive. I would like to wish all its participants good health and new successes!”, – he said.
Khanaliyev also remembered the 100th anniversary of the outstanding Dagestani poet Rasul Gamzatov, who made our Dagestan famous all over the world and said that DSMU dedicates all its events to this great man.
Ilyas Mammaev addressed the audience with a welcome speech then. “Today’s conference is extremely important and necessary due to the circumstances that Dagestan currently has due to the socio-economic lag in development, the absence of many unresolved problems in the mountainous regions and cities of Dagestan. Vaccination problems come along with obstacles mentioned above. Those diseases that we even forgot about began to appear because people refuse to vaccinate. Therefore, this conference, and especially the participation of students in it, is important, and we must promote that vaccination is a salvation from all particularly dangerous infectious diseases, ” he said.
Then the participants of the conference were welcomed by the head of the Department of Infectious Diseases. Academician of G. P. Rudnev DSMU Jalalutdin Akhmedov: “The purpose of our conference today is to attract the attention of practical health care doctors, students of medical universities, to share knowledge and experience of early diagnosis, treatment and prevention of infectious diseases and especially dangerous, life-threatening diseases all over the world, including Russia and our republic. Employees of the Department of Infectious Diseases took part in the elimination of major outbreaks of bacterial infections in Gergebil, Derbent, Kaspiysk, Khasavyurt, Buinaksk.” He also spoke about the formation of the Department of Infectious Diseases, its everyday life and the work carried out by its employees.
The plenary part of the conference began with the report of Professor Jalalutdin Akhmedov “Topical issues of infectious diseases in Russia and the Republic of Dagestan: spread and prevention-a problem of the XXI century”. The next report “The role of Academician G. P. Rudnev in the training of infectious disease specialists in the North Caucasus Federal District” was read by Natalia Kolotilova, Professor of the Lomonosov Moscow State University, the academician’s granddaughter.
The conference participants were then presented with a number of reports:” Features of HIV-associated CNS damage “by Margarita Nagibina; Yuri Vengerov-Professor of the Department of Infectious Diseases of the Moscow State Medical University named after A. I. Evdokimov; “Use of intravascular blood irradiation in infectious diseases” by Alexander Sundukov; “COVID-19-features of the course in children” by Lala Ulukhanova – Head of the Department of Propaedeutics of Children’s Diseases with the course of Children’s Infections of DSMU, chief freelance specialist in infectious diseases of children of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Dagestan; “Variants of kidney damage in HIV infection”by Madina Gadzhikuliyeva – Professor of the Department of Infectious Diseases of the Moscow State Medical University named after A. I. Evdokimov; and many other reports on current topics.
On May 20, the conference will continue its work, and then guests will have a cultural program of their choice-a trip to the Khunzakh district “Araninsky Fortress”, the house museum of G. Tsadas and R. G. Gamzatov (Tsada village) or Sulak Canyon or to the Naryn-Kala fortress (Derbent).