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Эл. почтовый ящик:
Postgraduate education
Phone (fax): 8 (8722) 67-87-91
Address: 367000, Makhachkala, Lenin Square-1, administrative building of Dagestan State Medical University,4th floor (office No. 52), Dean’s Office of the faculty of Advanced Training and professional retraining of specialists
Faculty of Advanced Training and Professional Retraining of Specialists (FAT and PRS) of Dagestan State Medical University provides postgraduate professional retraining and advanced training of doctors (general (certificate)) and thematic improvement), as well as training for the management of health care institutions, according to the educational and production plan , approved by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation and in accordance with the Orders of Health Ministry of the Russian Federation Federal Law No. 323-ФЗ dated 21_11_2011 (ed. dated 03_07_2016), Federal Law No. 273-ФЗ dated 29_12_2012 (ed. dated 03.07.2016) and others.
Doctors receive (or renew) a specialist certificate after training on professional retraining cycles, general (certification) improvement and passing the certification exam for the right to engage in professional activities. Thematic improvement cycles are generally not certification cycles.
Applications for additional unscheduled cycles from the Ministry of Health (or the health department of the subjects) and treatment and prevention departments are sent to the rector of the medical university no later than one month before their start. Enrollment for cycles outside the approved training and production plan is made with full reimbursement of training costs.
Continuing medical education
The Faculty of Advanced Medical Training was established in Dagestan Medical Institute in 1983
The Department of Therapy and Pediatrics, as well as courses in obstetrics and gynecology and health care organization were opened at the Faculty of Dagestan Medical Institute by Order of the Ministry of Health of RSFSR No. 549 of July 17, 1984. Professor Merzlyak E. I. (pediatrics) and Professor Kazanbiev N. K. (therapy) were appointed the first heads of the departments. Professor Omarov S –M. A. and Associate professor Golin Ya.I. were appointed the heads of the courses.
Training and production schedule of Dagestan State Medical University for 2014-2016
Admission plan – 1882
Full-time staff of the teaching staff – 50.5
Number of graduates months – 3030
Average annual contingent – 303
List of departments of the Faculty of Advanced Training and Professional retraining of Specialists
Obstetrics and Gynecology
Anesthesiology and resuscitation
Gerontology and Geriatrics
Infectious diseases
Public health and healthcare
Polyclinic therapy, cardiology and general medical practice
Traumatology and orthopedics
Endoscopic surgery
Cardiovascular and X-ray endovascular surgery