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Anesthesiology and resuscitation with the improvement of doctors




General information

Head of the Department: Candidate of Medical Sciences Abusuyev Anvar Abusuyevich.

Address: Makhachkala, Pirogova str. No. 3

Responsible for the site: Magomedova Indira Abakarovna.

E-mail: reanimaciadgmu@mail.ru         

Clinical databases:     

– Republican Clinical Hospital-Center for Specialized Emergency Medical Care, 3 Pirogova str.

– Republican Clinical Hospital, 47 Lyakhova str.

– Makhachkala maternity hospital No. 2, 17  Buganova str.

– Children’s Republican Clinical Hospital, A. Akushinsky Avenue, 7-ya liniya str., 2-a

– Republican Orthopedic and Trauma Center, 82 R. Gamzatov Avenue (V. I. Lenin)



The formation of the department dates back to 1974, when hours of anesthesiology and resuscitation were allocated at the Department of Hospital Surgery on the basis of the Republican Clinical Hospital. In 1979, courses of anesthesiology and resuscitation were organized and headed by Associate Professor, Candidate of Medical Sciences Osman Magomedovich Aliev.

In 1986, the Department of anesthesiology and resuscitation for doctors of postgraduate education was established and the head of the department was appointed Associate Professor, Candidate of Medical Sciences Babaev R. M. The department was located on the basis of the Department of Anesthesiology and Resuscitation of the Republican Hospital No.2. In 1987, the courses for students were merged with the Department of Postgraduate Education, the head of which was elected Professor, Candidate of Medical Sciences O. M. Aliev.

Nowadays the department is headed by Anvar Abusuyev, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor, Honored Doctor of the Republic of  Dagestan .

Head of the educational part of the department  Associate Professor  Aselderova Aida Shamsutdinovna



Abusuyev Anvar Abusuyevich

Head of the Department, Candidate of Medical Sciences

* PhD thesis: “Changes in the function of external respiration and central hemodynamics in patients with bronchial asthma after epidural blockade”,

St. Petersburg, 1990.

  • Total number of scientific papers-177, including 10 in peer-reviewed journals
  • Methodological recommendations-16

* Honored Doctor of Dagestan

* Excellent Health Care Student


Babayev Ramazan Magomedovich

Associate Professor, Candidate of Medical Sciences

* PhD thesis: “Changes in microcirculation in non-inhalation anesthesia” Moscow, 1976 •

* Total number of scientific papers-160

* Methodological recommendations – 20

* Honored Doctor of Dagestan

* Chief Freelance Anesthesiologist Resuscitator of Dagestan



Aselderova Aida Shamsutdinovna


Associate Professor, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Head of the educational part.


PhD thesis: “Immunoprotective effect of the antioxidant ceruloplasmin and proteolysis inhibitors” Moscow, 1992.

The total number of scientific papers is 88, of which 4 are in peer – reviewed journals

Methodological recommendations-12


Daniyalova Nadezhda Daniyalovna

Associate Professor, Candidate of Medical Sciences

* PhD thesis: “A variant of correction of central hemodynamics in epidural anesthesia”, Moscow, 2005.

* The total number of scientific papers is 38, including 2 co-authorships in textbooks: “Local and regional anesthesia”.

* Chapter in the textbook “Anesthesiology and resuscitation”, M., “Medicine” – 2003, p. 140-157., Malyshev V. D., Omarov Kh. T. “Characteristics of local anesthetics used for blockades”. Chapter in the book “Atlas of blockades of nerve trunks and plexuses in injuries and diseases of the extremities”.M., “Medicine” 2004, p. 20-30. co-author: Malyshev V. D., Omarov Kh. T.

* Methodological recommendations – 8

* The student scientific circle has been functioning under the leadership of N. D. Daniyalova since September 2017. The main activity of which is the research work of students, theoretical training of students in the specialty.


Mustafayeva Madina Nasirovna

Assistant, Candidate of Medical Sciences

PhD thesis: “Drug sedation in endoscopic interventions on the tracheobronchial tree and the digestive tract”, Moscow, 2012.

The total number of scientific papers is 46, including 9 in peer-reviewed journals





Bagomedov Ruslan Huseynovich

Assistant, Candidate of Medical Sciences

PhD thesis: “Comparative characteristics of various methods of anesthesiological aids in abdominal delivery with severe preeclampsia”, St. Petersburg, 2017.


The total number of scientific papers is 28, including 5 in peer-reviewed journals

Methodological recommendations – 4

The act of introducing modern technologies into the clinic -5

Head of the Department of Anesthesiology, Resuscitation  and Intensive Care  “Makhachkala maternity hospital No. 2», Honored Doctor of the Republic of Dagestan.

Excellent health worker.


Aliev Omari Yakhyayevich


*Head of the Department of Anesthesiology, Resuscitation  and Intensive Care of  Republican Clinical Hospital

  • During the invasion of illegal armed groups on the territory of Dagestan in 1999 , he actively participated in the liberation of the republic from terrorists.

* Awarded the  “Order of Courage”

* Honored Doctor of  Dagestan

* Excellent Health Worker


Educational work








The main areas of training of specialists at the department are:

  • professional retraining of specialists
  • general improvement
  • thematic improvement
  • postgraduate study
  • clinical residency
  • Students of the following faculties are trained at the department:
  • medical faculty
  • pediatric faculty
  • dental faculty
  • faculty of medicine and prevention


Scientific work

The department conducts scientific work. Priority areas in the scientific activity of the department are issues related to the intensive care of acute respiratory distress syndrome.
She defended her PhD thesis on the topic: “The effect of perfluorane on microcirculation and intracardiac hemodynamics in acute myocardial infarction”.
The staff of the department has published 265 articles and 9 monographs on current topics. Several textbooks have been published: “Clinical application of perftoran”. Preparatory work is underway to produce a textbook on anesthesiology and resuscitation for students.”
The results of scientific research of the department’s employees are published in central and regional publications.
Employees of the department take part in All-Russian and international congresses and conferences. In May 2016, they took part in the scientific and practical conference of obstetric anesthesiologists and resuscitators. On September 19-21, 2016, they took part in the All-Russian Congress of Anesthesiologists and Resuscitators in Moscow.

On April 28-29, 2017, the first All-Russian scientific and Practical conference “Intensive care of critical state” was held.

Leading experts made presentations at the conference:

1. I. V. Molchanov, MD, Professor. Chief anesthesiologist – resuscitator of the Ministry of health of the Russian Federation, head of the Department anesthesiology and reanimatology of Russian Medical Academy of Medical Education.
2. S. V. Sviridov, M. D., Professor, head of the Department of anesthesiology, reanimatology and intensive care of Russian National Research Medical University named after N. I. Pirogov.
3. V. D. Slepushkin , MD, Professor, head. Department of anesthesiology and reanimatology North Ossetian Medical Academy.
4. S. A. Orudzheva, MD, Professor, Leading Researcher of Institute of Surgery named after Vishnevsky.

5. T. P. Mishina, MD, Associate Professor of the Department of Emergency Medicine of the North-Western State Medical University named after I. M. Mechnikov.
6. V. I. Stamov, PhD, Associate Professor of the Department of anesthesiology and resuscitation of the Institute of Professional Education, Moscow Medical Academy named after I. M. Sechenov.
7.E. L. Dolbneva, Candidate of Medical Sciences, anesthesiologist-resuscitator, senior researcher at the Russian National Research Center named after Academician B. V. Petrovsky.

The conference covered the most pressing issues in intensive care.

Assistant Bagomedov R. G. defended his PhD thesis on the topic: “Comparative characteristics of various methods of anesthesia in abdominal delivery with severe preeclampsia” at the North-Western Medical University named after I. I. Mechnikov, St. Petersburg, September 8, 2017. 
The department continues the research of the post-graduate student M. Z. Huseynova.


Medical work

The department takes an active part in medical and consultative work.

The joint work of the department with the practical health authorities includes:

1.Conducting morning conferences and rounds of patients. Consultation of complex and severe patients in all specialized departments .
2.Employees of the department conduct an expert examination of the quality of medical documentation and treatment.

3.An in-depth analysis of lethality and other indicators of the department of anesthesiology and resuscitation is carried out.

4.Develops and implements new methods of research and treatment in the practice of anesthesiological and resuscitation departments of the republic.
5. Every year cluster seminars are held at the suggestion of the Ministry of Health on topical issues of the specialty.

6. In the direction of the Ministry of Health, we train specialists through advanced training, professional retraining, clinical residency and postgraduate studies.

7. On behalf of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, the department oversees the anesthesiology and resuscitation services in the regions of the republic with field visits, analysis of activities and submission of a certificate to the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation for discussion.

8. The department participates in the management and organization of the work of the Society of anesthesiologists and resuscitators of Dagestan.

9. Conducting joint comprehensive inspections with the Federal Agency for Supervision of Health and Social Development Agencies.