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Biophysics, informatics and medical hardware




Address: 367000, RD, Makhachkala, I. Shamil, 44,  DSMU, department of biophysics.

Tel: 63-03-16.

Email: biofizik.dgmu@mail.ru


Magomedov Magomed Abakarovich —  head of the Department of Biophysics, Informatics and Medical Hardware, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Associate Professor.

Magomedov Magomed Abakarovich graduated from Dagestan State Medical University in 1970;

1970-71 – Physics and Mathematics Teacher in the Arshinsky village school of the Levashinsky District;

1971-72 – service in the SA ranks in Germany;

1972 — senior assistant of the Department of Solid State Physics, senior research fellow of the Department of Solid State Physics;

In 1982 he defended his PhD thesis at the Faculty of Physics of Moscow State University;

From 1986-1989 he was an assistant in the Department of Physics at DSMI;

Since 1989 Associate Professor of Physics at DSMI;

Author of 110 scientific papers, he supervised 2 Candidates’ theses submitted for the degree of Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences. Area of his expertise include adsorption and electronic processes on the surface of epitaxial layers of cadmium chalcogenides.

Magomedov M. A. is also the author of study manuals: “Guide to laboratory and practical classes in mathematics and physics” 2014; “Practical course in Computer Science” 2014; “Guide to practical classes in medical and biological statistics” 2016.

M.A. Magomedov’s scientific paper is recognized with awards:

Peter the Great Medal “For Valiant Labor” 2007; 

Certificate No. 09-0263 dated December 30, 2009. Russian Committee for the Registration of World Records from the International Club of Record Holders “Interstrong” for achieving high results in the VIII International Internet Olympiad among Educational Institutions «Erudites of the Planet-2009»;

First-degree diploma of the student prize «The best of the best DSMA» in the category of the best teacher of the Faculty of Pediatrics-2013;

Letter of thanks from the administration of Makhachkala for many years of conscientious work, high professionalism and active participation in the healthcare system – 2017.;

Gratitude from the Minister of Health of the Russian Federation “For services to Healthcare and Many Years of Conscientious Work” – 2017;

Honorary diploma of the Rector of DSMU “For long-term, conscientious work and achieved professionalism in work” – 2018.



1. Rizakhanov Magomed Akhmedpashayevich, professor of the Department of Biophysics, Informatics and Medical Hardware, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Honored Scientist of Dagestan, USSR Inventor.

Research priority: photoelectronic, photochemical, and thermopolarizing effects in semiconductors, phosphors, and biostructures. Author of one scientific monograph and scientific articles in the journals of the AS USSR, RAS and other publications. 4 doctoral and 7 candidate theses were defended on the subject of scientific research implemented at the DSMU, the Institute of Physics of the Daghestan Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Author of three educational and methodological manuals recommended by the educational and methodological association for medical and pharmaceutical education of Russia for students majoring in “medicine”, “pediatrics”. He is known for his publications in the periodical press on socio-political and social issues. Member of the Dagestan Senior Society.


  1. Abdulgalimov Ramadan Mejidovich — director of teaching department, Associate Professor of Biophysics, Informatics and Medical Hardware, PhD in Pedagogy, Deputy Head of the Research Department.

The scientific direction is connected with higher school pedagogy (13.00, 08. Theory and Methodology of professional education), within the framework of which research is conducted to improve the efficiency and quality of teaching natural science disciplines based on the integration of pedagogical approaches in medical education. Scientific interest is related to the development of effective methods and approaches using digital educational technologies in teaching, in order to form a professional worldview of medical students. The research is reflected in the journals reviewed by the Higher Attestation Commission and Scopus, monographs, as well as in various international and regional scientific and practical conferences.

  1. Mutalipov Magomed Malamagomedovich — associate professor of the department of Biophysics, Informatics and Medical Hardware, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences.

He has been working at the department since 1964. Scientific work is carried out in two areas of higher school pedagogy. The first research area is related to the optimization of the content of the educational process in physics in medical universities. The topic is “Methodological and axiological (value) aspects of physics in medicine and the formation of the content of physics in medical universities”. The second research area is connected with the problem of continuity of the educational process in the “School-University” system. It is important both for improving the educational process and conducting the Unified State Exam in schools, and for correcting the educational process in universities. On this issue, the analysis of correlation relationships between the results of the Unified State Exam in mathematics and natural sciences (biology, physics) and the academic performance of first-year students is carried out.

  1. Magomedov Magomed Musayevich — associate professor of the Department of Biophysics, Informatics and Medical Hardware, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences.

He has been working at the department since 1972. Scientific research is related to magnetic critical phenomena in the field of phase transitions with the verification of the Scaling theory (the compilation of functions of magnetism parameters as a function of magnetic fields and temperatures using critical indices). Together with the Department of Physics of the Polytechnic University, he developed a method for obtaining lyophilic tissues for the study of the free-radical state. Collaborates with the Institute of Ecology to study the properties of the mineral analyte.

  1. Magomedov Magomed-Rasul Magomedovich — associate professor of the Department of Biophysics, Informatics and Medical Hardware, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences.

He has been working at the department since 1970. The scientific direction is related to the study of the thermophysical properties of multiferroics of the DuF0O3 group, as well as the connection of thermal and magnetic properties in various groups of multiferrites and the creation of communication elements based on them.

  1. Kurbanova Anzhella Magomedovna — associate professor of the Department of Biophysics, Informatics and Medical Hardware, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences.

She worked at the department from 1988 to 2009 and continues to work since 2014. The first scientific direction: The study of the adsorption processes on the surface of epitaxial layers of cadmium chalcogenides. The second direction in the field of pedagogy: improving the educational process at the university. Participates in the program of bilingual (English-speaking) training of foreign students (without an interpreter). Independently translates teaching aids in the disciplines of the department into English.

  1. Khurshilova Zarema Aslanbekovna – associate professor of the Department of Biophysics, Informatics and Medical Hardware, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences.

He has been working at the department since 1998. He is engaged in a scientific direction in the field of medical and biological physics, related to the application of the wavelet transform for the analysis of medical signals, such as ECG, EMG, EEG. The second direction is related to the problem of continuity of the educational process in the “School-University” system, which is important for improving the educational process at the university.

  1. Atlukhanova Luiza Bremovna — associate professor of the Department of Biophysics, Informatics and Medical Hardware, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences.

He has been working at the department since 2001. The scientific direction is related to the pedagogy of higher education (13.00.08. Theory and methodology of professional education). The main direction of scientific activity is related to the study of the physical chemistry of nanocomposites: polymer-carbon nanotubes. He continues to work on pedagogical and organizational-content conditions for improving the information training of medical students based on the use of information and communication technologies in training. The scientific interest is reduced to the formation of the information culture of the future specialist and the effective use of information and communication technologies in the professional training of medical university students.

  1. Gafurov Kerim Absalamovich – associate professor of the Department of Biophysics, Informatics and Medical Hardware, Candidate of Technical Sciences.

He has been working at the department since 2013. He directs the research work of students, residents and postgraduates on innovative topics of modern scientific trends in medicine. The subject of research is medical hardware-software and information technologies and their implementation in clinical practice and in the educational process. Gafurov K. A. actively engaged in the concepts of transformation of higher education at the present stage of transition to the system of formation of professional competencies, as well as the paradigm transformation of the content, principles and methods of training in terms of the development of the natural science block of medical education to meet the requirements of modern innovative development.

  1. Vezirov Telman Timurovich– associate professor of the Department of Biophysics, Informatics and Medical Hardware, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences.

He has been working at the department since 2018. Scientific direction-13.00.08. Theory and methodology of professional education. Research interests: digital literacy of medical university students and teachers; development and use of digital educational resources in professional activities.

  1. Kasimov Arif Kamalutdinovich – assistant professor of the Department of Biophysics, Informatics and Medical Equipment, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences.

He has been working at the department since 2017. The scientific direction is related to higher school pedagogy (13.00.08. Theory and methodology of professional education). The subject of the study is the pedagogical conditions for optimizing the physical training of bachelors of natural science education. The scientific interest is reduced to the formation of improving the natural science education of the future specialist and the effective use of physical knowledge and advanced technologies in the professional training of medical university students.

  1. Truzhenikova Svetlana Yegorovna – senior lecturer in the Department of Biophysics, информатики и медаппаратуры.

He has been working at the department since 1996. The subject of the study is the pedagogical and organizational-content conditions for improving the information training of medical college students. Participates in the program of bilingual (English-speaking) training of foreign students.

  1. Suleymanova Guvarsha Kasumovna— senior assistant of the Department of Biophysics, Informatics and Medical Hardware.
  2. Achakanova Sanyat Omarovna– assistant of the Department of Biophysics, Informatics and Medical Equipment.

History and present status

The history of the department’s development dates back to 1932. Until 1988, it was called the Department of Physics.

In the past, the department was headed by physicists M. A. Kazhlaev (1932), P. A. Smirnov (1932), A. G. Isaev (1932-1940), A. A. Babaev (1940-1942), M. A. Katz (1943-1946), L. E. Berzeleev (1946-1952), A. Z. Efendiev (1952-1955), A. Z. Daibov (1955-1968), M. M. Mutalipov (1968-1969), I. D. Isaev (1969-1985), M. A. Rizakhanov (1985-2019).

Over the years since its establishment, the department has grown in terms of the number of teachers, educational, methodological and scientific potential.

Currently, the department employs a qualified teaching staff. At this stage of its development, the department in accordance with federal state educational programs conducts the teaching of disciplines Mathematics, Physics, Informatics, Medical hardware at all faculties of DSMU. There is also provided instruction in English. The educational process is built on a new ideology, according to which the programs in disciplines are as profiled as possible and aimed at achieving the main goal of training a medical specialist.

Department teaching staff is actively engaged in the preparation and publication of teaching aids in almost all academic disciplines. In the educational process, the following manuals have been introduced: “Guide to practical and laboratory classes in physics and mathematics”, “Guide to practical classes in medical and biological statistics”, “Practical course on medical Informatics”, “Test tasks for the disciplinary exam in medical and biological physics”, “Guide to higher mathematics”, “Test tasks for the disciplinary test in higher mathematics (mathematical modeling of medical and biological problems, fundamentals of medical and biological statistics) and computer science”, ” Guide to practical classes in higher mathematics and computer science», “Tests for intermediate control of knowledge in medical informatics”, ” Practical course on physics and mathematics (in English)”, ” Textbook in Physics and Mathematics (in English)”, ” Practical course on Informatics (in English)”, “Medical instrument and computer systems and equipment”, “Task Book in Physics and Mathematics (in English), “Basic principles of working with biomedical equipment”. Among them, the manuals “Test tasks for the disciplinary exam in medical and biological physics”, “Guide to Higher Mathematics”, “Practice in Medical Format” are recommended by the decision of the Educational and Methodological Department for Medical and Pharmaceutical Education of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation as teaching aids for students of Russian medical universities.

Department teaching staff is actively engaged in scientific research in the following areas:

* Physical properties of semiconductors, dielectrics; primary photobiological processes, measurements of medical signals using a special technique.

* Content and problems of teaching mathematics, physics, and computer science in medical universities.

Several dozen papers have been published in highly rated journals of the USSR Academy of Sciences and the Russian Academy of Sciences. Ministry of Education, translated into English. 13 author’s certificates for inventions were obtained, including three certificates on medical topics — a puncture needle, a method for treating prostatitis using a magnetic field, a software package for statistical processing of the results of medical and biological research. The Department has conducted and is conducting scientific research in cooperation with a number of scientific and educational centers in Russia — MSU, DSU, Institute of Physics of the DSC RAS.