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Childhood diseases of general medicine department



Head of the Department: Associate Professor Felde Oksana Nikolaevna












Address: I. Kazaka av., 4.

Phone: 62-06-15.

Email: felde.o@mail.ru     dagsnab464@mail.ru

Responsible for the website: Assist. Ismailova F. E.


















The department is one of the oldest in the university. It was organized in 1935. The first head of the department was Professor Peter Dmitrievich Davydov (1935-1947). Then, successively, the heads of the department were: Associate Professor G. B. Myasnik (1947-1951); Associate Professor R. A. Fridman (1951-1958); D. I. Aliyeva (1958-1963); Associate Professor P. M. Nahibasheva (1963-1985); acting head of the department Associate Professor M. G. Shamov (1985-1987); Associate Professor Gulmagomedov (from 1987 – 2015):Associate Professor Felde O. N. (from 2015 to the present).

The clinical site of the department was originally the children’s department of the city hospital, which was later transformed into an independent children’s hospital with 60 beds and a polyclinic. Since 1963, the department has moved to the Republican Children’s Hospital with 150 beds, and since 1992, the main clinical base of the department is the Republican Pediatric Pulmonology Center (RPPC) with 80 beds. In addition, the diagnostic department of the Republican Pediatric Clinical Hospital (RPCH) is used as a clinical base and children’s municipal polyclinics 1, 2, 5.


Felde Oksana Nikolaevna – Head of the Department, Associate Professor of the Department of Children’s Diseases of the Medical Faculty. He has been working at the DSMU since 2000, and has been the head of this department since 2015. PhD thesis defended in 2005. The state of health of young children who have suffered perinatal hypoxia. Author of more than 100 printed works.

Tkacheva Svetlana Anatolyevna – Head teacher, Associate Professor of the department. He has been working at the department since 1971. From 1971-1976 as a senior laboratory assistant. Since 1976-assistant of the department. In 1975, she defended her PhD thesis on the topic “Clinical and laboratory studies in hypotrophy in young children”. 150 scientific papers have been published under her guidance.

Shamov Mejid Hajiyevich – Associate Professor of the Department. Since 1969, he has been working at the department. From 1985 to 1987, he served as the head of the department. In 1970, he defended his PhD thesis “Bronchoobstructive syndrome in pneumonia in children”. Author of more than 200 works

Khalidova Roza Rasulovna – Associate Professor of the Department. She has been working at the department since 1971 as an assistant of the department. In 1973, she defended her PhD thesis “The functional state of blood leukocytes in children with leukopenia on the background of pneumonia”. Author of more than 150 works.

Duriya Merzekerimovna Ragimova – Associate Professor of the Department. She has been working at the DSMU since 1994. From 1994 to 1999, she worked in the Central Research Institute. In 1998, she defended her PhD thesis : Shamov Mejid Hajiyevich-Associate Professor of the Department. Since 1969, he has been working at the department. From 1985 to 1987, he served as the head of the department. In 1970, he defended his PhD thesis “Bronchoobstructive syndrome in pneumonia in children”. Author of more than 200 works.

Khalidova Roza Rasulovna  – Associate Professor of the Department. He has been working at the department since 1971 as an assistant of the department. In 1973, she defended her PhD thesis “The functional state of blood leukocytes in children with leukopenia on the background of pneumonia”. Author of more than 150 works.

Duriya Merzekerimovna Ragimova – Associate Professor of the Department. She has been working at the DSMU since 1994. From 1994 to 1999, she worked in the Central Research Institute. In 1998, she defended her PhD thesis “The state of the microcirculatory bloodstream in acute pesticide poisoning and its correction by perfluorane infusion. Author of 80 scientific papers.

Ismailova Fariza Eizudinovna – Associate Professor of the Department. She has been working at DSMU since 2008. Also she has been working at the Department of Children’s Diseases since 2011. In 2011, she defended her PhD thesis at KSMU (Krasnodar) on the influence of external environmental factors on the bioenergetics of the body. Author of 77 scientific papers.

Saidova Lyudmila Sidovna – Senior laboratory assistant of the Department

Zagidova Kumsiyat Kamilyevna – Laboratory assistant of the department. Author of 80 scientific papers

Ismailova Fariza Eizudinovna – Associate Professor of the Department. She has been working at DSMU since 2008. Also she has been working at the Department of Children’s Diseases since 2011. In 2011, she defended her PhD thesis at KSMU (Krasnodar) on the influence of external environmental factors on the bioenergetics of the body. Author of 77 scientific papers.

Saidova Lyudmila Sidovna – Senior laboratory assistant of the Department.

Zagidova Kumsiyat Kamilyevna – laboratory assistant of the department.

All the department staff have the highest qualification category of a pediatrician, regularly take advanced training courses. The material and technical base of the department is generally satisfactory, it is provided with study rooms, necessary equipment, has 2 computers and a multimedia projector.

Students of the 4th-5th year of general medicine and the 5th-6th year of medical and preventive faculties study at the department.

In recent years, the department has almost completely updated the teaching and methodological material, including new programs in pediatrics for students of general medicine and preventive medicine faculties, thematic plans of lectures and practical classes for courses and faculties, a list of necessary practical skills and abilities, information stands for students on recipes, baby food products.  To control the theoretical and practical training of students, test tasks, folders with data from laboratory and instrumental studies of children, situational tasks and other educational and methodological materials are provided. In the educational process, elements of programmed test control and training are widely used, paying due attention to the independent work of students at the bedside of sick children. All students take the exam in pediatrics on the computer (testing), and if necessary, additionally conducts an interview. In recent years, the collection of test tasks for students of the Faculty of Medicine has been updated and a new collection of tests for students of the Faculty of Medicine and Prevention has been compiled.

Scientific research of the department is versatile. The staff studied the physical development of children of different ages, immunological parameters in children with various diseases of the bronchopulmonary and other pathologies of children. Currently, research work on the topic is planned and is being carried out: “Modern problems of bronchopulmonary pathology in children in Dagestan». Over the past 5 years, the staff of the department has published more than 30 articles and 8 teaching aids. Since 1967, the staff of the department has completed and defended 2 doctoral and 18 PhD theses, more than 30 clinical residents have been trained. Only in the last 10 years, 6 scientific achievements have been introduced into the practice of healthcare. The department has a student scientific circle, where 3-5 students annually perform research work.

All the department staff have the highest medical category in pediatrics, 3 people – the honorary title “Honored Doctor of RD”, 1 – “Honored Doctor of the Russian Federation”, regularly take advanced training courses in the specialty and pedagogy.

The staff of the department carries out a large amount of medical and advisory work. The head of the department (head of the clinic) conducts morning conferences, weekly rounds of patients in the departments and a consultative reception in the clinic. Associate professors and assistants are also assigned to the departments where they carry out planned consultative and therapeutic work and consult patients in the polyclinic according to the schedule. On the basis of the department, clinical conferences and express information on medicine for doctors are regularly held once a month. Work is constantly being carried out to establish and improve the medical and diagnostic service of the Republican Pediatric Pulmonology Center, to introduce new methods of diagnosis and modern therapy of bronchopulmonary pathology in children in the republic.
The joint work of the department with the practical health authorities has been established, which is carried out according to the annual plan. In addition to medical and advisory work at clinical bases, the department’s staff advises patients in 3 pediatric polyclinics in Makhachkala, as well as children in the RPCH.

The department takes an active part in conducting field conferences and seminars for doctors on topical issues of pediatrics. Over the past 5 years, the staff has carried out 12 trips to cities and districts of the republic to work out various aspects of the pediatric service in the field, to provide medical and advisory assistance to children. In addition to regular medical conferences, pediatricians from cities and districts of the republic are constantly trained in pulmonology at the clinical base of the department.

The department staff takes part in reviewing reports of doctors and medical histories of deceased children, as well as regularly make reports at meetings of the Society of Children’s doctors, in print and on television. Since 1997, on the basis of the RPPC for sick children and their parents, the “Asthma School” has been functioning, in which the staff of the department actively participates.